The Birds and the Beasts Scatter

Earlier, they had actually followed that idiot and worked with her.

Who knew if she would be angry enough to go after them to settle the score afterward?

Shi Yalin nestled into her mother's embrace. Her previous arrogance now dissolved into self-pity. She looked like a little white flower struggling to survive in a raging wind.

She was curled up for a long time before Nangong Nuannuan's figure completely left her peripheral vision. Only then did the fear in Shi Yalin's eyes shift to hatred.

She hated Nangong Nuannuan.

Nangong Nuannuan was the person she despised most in the world.

However, no matter how powerful she was, she would never figure out that the person she so wanted to kill had been standing right in front of her.

If one day, Feng Shengxuan passed the news of Viper's death onto her, she would be in such disbelief that she had actually been so close to her!