The Stronghold Is Destroyed

The call went through. Feng Shengxuan asked unhappily, "What happened?"

"King, something's happened. Our stronghold in the north of Camino was destroyed by the Eagle Special Forces."

Feng Shengxuan frowned slightly. "Destroyed? How?"

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line before Stephen answered honestly. "Well... the Eagle Special Forces' soldiers suddenly appeared. Without even scouting out the land first, they suddenly attacked from the sky and land. Our people were unable to fight them off. They have all either been killed or captured."

"Then let's find the mole!"

Those who had been assigned to Emperor District's KE force were all important members of KE. Every one of them was an elite. Putting aside everything else, their anti-reconnaissance abilities were definitely top-notch.

Therefore, whether or not the soldiers of the Eagle Special Forces had scouted out the place before, his people would definitely have known.