You Have Taken A Fancy To Nuannuan

"They're my friends. They're the ones who saved my life yesterday. They're my benefactors! Aren't you going a little overboard, telling them to scram before I can even introduce them?"

"Benefactors?" Mrs. Sze sneered. "I think they're just here to help you argue with me, right? You're in university and have a bright future ahead of you. You're surrounded by educated people, so you think you can drag some of them here to lecture me about the law and threaten me with jail? Sze Lingyun, I think you're too far up your own *ss. Do you think I'm afraid of your friends? You're all b*stards! Get lost! All of you, get lost!"

It would have been fine if she had not mentioned her life being saved. When she did, Mrs. Sze immediately thought back to Nangong Nuannuan's threat the previous night. She instantly grew furious. Not only did she not thank Nangong Nuannuan for saving her daughter's life, but she even scolded Sze Lingyun.