My Proof Will Come in a Week

These few people speaking up seriously provoked Mrs. Sze, She angrily said, "I don't care what you think. I've already made a decision on this matter. Anyway, I've already accepted Mr. Li's betrothal gift, and I definitely won't return the money. Even if you don't want to marry him, you'll have to! You don't have the final say in our family!"

"Actually, it's fine if you don't want to marry him," Sze Junyan suddenly said. He stood up and walked over to Nangong Nuannuan. He glanced at Chi Yang, who had kept his arm around Nuannuan's waist like a bracelet around a wrist ever since they first sat down in the room. "If you don't want to marry him, I'll get married instead. I like this Nuannuan. Since she's your friend, help me persuade her to marry me. If you do, you won't have to marry anyone after all," said Sze Junyan.