We Are the Victims Here

Li Qiongan was in so much pain that it pushed all the fear out of him. He struggled with all his might and said, "I-I didn't do anything to Sze Lingyun! I want to marry her! I've already given her family her betrothal gift. Why would I try to kill her? It wasn't me! It wasn't me!"

"It seems like you weren't the one who wanted to kill Sze Lingyun, but your son. But the money he used was taken from your Rongxing Company's books, so even if this matter has nothing to do with you, your subordinate, Hu Jie, just said that you're Rongxing's boss. You have the final say in whatever goes on at your company. So you might be involved in this attempted murder case. And even if you have nothing to do with it, you're still responsible for the inadequate supervision that led to this. That can't be ignored. So, dear Mr. Li, you'd better make a trip down to the police station! Or... can a yearly deposit of 10 million get you a good lawyer?"