What Test?

After the policeman said that, Mrs. Sze did not dare to speak anymore. She only glared at Sze Lingyun, hinting at her to quickly put in a good word to get the family out of this mess.

Sze Lingyun's father also begged her. "Yunyun, we're your father, mother, and biological brother! Even if you're not willing to marry that Mr. Li, now that he's been arrested, you won't have to anymore. Now, do you have the heart to watch your family get arrested?"

"Cousin, cousin, save me!"

"Cousin, I don't want to go to jail!"

The leading policeman looked at Chi Yang and said, "Don't worry, sir. When we get to the police station, we'll definitely investigate them thoroughly and see if they have anything to do with this case. We'll definitely serve this young lady her rightful justice."