I Am Not Like You

It was difficult for Shi Maowen to say anything—especially since he had just spotted Chi Yang in the video behind Nangong Nuannuan. Shi Maowen felt as if he had a knife to his neck. This was simply too much!

"I would never dare to. I'm just expressing my thoughts. My Shi family sincerely wants to be on good terms with Miss Nangong, but you keep throwing our goodwill back in our faces time and time again. Isn't that a little unfair? Even if you're friends with the Wu family and you want Wu Jingzhong released, you know how to contact the Shi family. If Lan Weisong refuses to listen to you, you could always call our family directly and ask us to release him—we can easily handle him. As the saying goes, if you have a problem with a dog, talk to its owner. Shouldn't Miss Nangong have approached me as Lan Weisong's superior as basic courtesy if she had a problem with him?