The World’s Best Fathers

"With this money, a house, and some shops as dowry, your status will be different. You'll be outstanding and rich. How could your in-laws pick on you then? If they still want to pick on you, your father will support you for the rest of your life! You won't have to marry! Or in the future, you can find a man you like to marry into our family, and Daddy will help you look after him."

Sze Lingyun, "..."

"Listen to me. Daddy is sure that in the future, a brand-new city district will be established here. Owning a shop here will be very valuable in the future..."

Everyone was dumbfounded as they watched the usually-quiet Wu Jingzhong proudly ranting at Sze Lingyun.

Nangong Nuannuan looked at Chi Yang. Upon seeing the look in his wife's eyes, Chi Yang, who had been quiet this whole time, smiled.

"What's wrong?"

"Big Brother Chi Yang, I was thinking... If you become a father in the future, will you be as naggy as Uncle Wu?"