Why Did You Abuse My Daughter?

Zhou Menglu knew what was going to happen. Even though she was afraid, she was confident. She had already thought of what to say.

Thus, when the prison guard took her out of the cell to meet some visitors, she looked unafraid. When she saw Sze Lingyun, she shouted angrily, "Sze Lingyun, you wretched girl! Are you trying to kill me? Look at what you've done! If you hadn't brought your friends to our house, would our family have been locked up? If you still want me as your mother, immediately ask your friends to let me go!"

"Shut up, you old witch! Don't ask me to let you go, I think you should get ready to spend the rest of your life in prison!" Wu Pingting could not take it anymore and scolded Zhou Menglu.

"Zhou Menglu, let me ask you this. Why did you abuse my daughter? My daughter is such a good girl. If she was your child, why did you abuse her?"