Looking For Trouble

"It was that easy. Otherwise, with so many soldiers present, how could I have killed them? I'm not that kind of person! After all, I'm still a military wife. I know what's expected of me!" 

Wu Pingting, "..."

Sze Lingyun, "..."

Chi Yang, "..."

Nangong Nuannuan looked at Chi Yang and slightly narrowed her eyes. She chuckled and asked, "Big Brother Chi Yang, why are you looking at me like that? Don't you think that I'm a military wife who knows the responsibilities of her role?"

"You're the most responsible, outstanding, and dutiful military wife I've ever seen!"

Wu Pingting inched closer to Sze Lingyun's ear and whispered, "Big Brother Chi Yang really wants to stay alive!" 

Chi Yang, "..."

Why did it feel like his illustrious reputation would one day crumble away in the eyes of Wu Pingting?