Please Look at the Screen

As Nangong Nuannuan spoke, several small screens popped up on the laptop's big screen. The people present, including Chi Yang, could not see what was on the screen clearly because it had been sped up hundreds of times. Even if he looked carefully, he could not discern what was happening.

As Nangong Nuannuan scolded Emily, her eyes were focused on the screen, and her hands were constantly moving. She paused several of the screens. 

By the time she finished speaking, there were only five small black screens left on the main screen.

Nangong Nuannuan smiled and looked at Emily, waiting for her answer.

Emily's entire face had turned pale, but she still raised her head arrogantly, refusing to admit to her actions.

"Miss Emily, honestly, I really admire you."

Emily looked at Nangong Nuannuan, not knowing what she was admiring.

"I admire that your brain isn't even one percent as beautiful as your figure and face."

Emily, "..."