So Much for a Good Education

Chi Yang's foot collided with his opponent's calf, sending the man flying back four feet. He landed hard on the ground.

The opponent lay on the garden's floor, covered in dirt. However, he still did not have a single wrinkle on his pants.

When Empress Sophie and her husband Armand got outside, they ran to Chi Yang and asked in unison, "Lil Yang, are you okay?"

When he heard the name 'Lil Yang', Chi Yang's face twitched a little, but his expression remained mostly indifferent.

"Aunt, uncle, I'm fine. However, I'm afraid this uncle may not be."

"Pfft!" Nangong Nuannuan could not help but burst out laughing.

She knew that Big Brother Chi Yang was an honest and polite man, but she did not expect him to still be so 'nice' at a time like this.