A restless patient (5)

So, when Feng shengxuan saw Nangong Nuannuan drive the car to this courtyard, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity but didn't ask.

huang zichu and huang ziyu knew that their sister-in-law was coming to see them and were very happy.

When he saw Huang zichu and Huang Ziyu smiling outside the car, Feng shengxuan's eyes narrowed. He turned to Nangong Nuannuan and asked, " "You were the one who cured that crippled leg?"

"Yes." Nuan Nuan nodded, then turned to Feng shengxuan and said, " "Didn't I tell you before that King didn't die? When brother chiyang and I went to look for the two of them, we happened to see King sending people to kill them. I saved them and treated Huang zichu's leg at the same time."

Feng shengxuan suddenly exuded an extremely cold aura.


"Yeah," Nangong Nuannuan nodded.

How did you know it was King? "

"They said it themselves."

"You believe what they say? What's your profession?"