Eating too much sugar will make you grow rotten teeth (2)

It's all that bitch Gu Wanyan's fault!

If it wasn't for her desire to monopolize the Huang family and let Huang Yuhang monopolize the Huang family's resources in the future, why would he let her provoke his relationship with Cang LAN star to become more and more incompatible?


He really regretted it so much that his intestines turned green.

Cang LAN star sat in a luxurious Ferrari and looked at Nangong Zheng, who was driving seriously. He thanked him sincerely."Uncle, thank you for helping me. I'm already super grateful to you for coming to the police station to save me last time, and you've helped me so much today. I really don't know how to thank you."

When Cang LAN star spoke, her jelly-like pink lips moved. The sweetness in his mouth sprayed on his face and drifted into his nostrils, making him feel as if the entire car had turned sweet.

"Cang LAN star, you haven't brushed your teeth, right?"
