Physical exhaustion (3)

Senior, can you call Selina for me and ask her when the things I need will arrive? "

"Alright," he said. Wu Lingyun's heart had already clenched into a ball. She didn't understand why Nangong Nuannuan had brought her here, but she knew that she had a use for her.

So, Wu Lingyun called Selina immediately. On the other end of the phone, Selina said that the things were ready and on the way. She would be there in half an hour.

Wu Lingyun conveyed his words to Nangong Nuannuan, but she only nodded and said nothing more. She was completely focused on directing the cranes and excavators to move the construction debris.

As Nangong Nuannuan had promised them a reward of five million Yuan, the workers in charge of lifting the cranes were afraid that their men would die, so they were very careful. It could be said that they were highly focused on each operation.