Shi Yalin's dominance (1)

no, I'll call ning Zhennan right now and ask him to find a way to remove those Weibo posts, and then clarify this matter.

Shi maocheng was about to make a phone call, but was stopped by Shi Yalin.

"Don't hit me!"

"Why?" Shi maocheng was so frightened by Shi Yalin that he was sweating. He looked at Shi Yalin in confusion.

things have already developed to this point. Disheng, Imperial Palace, and many other companies under the Shengyang group have been attacked. Do you think Nangong Nuannuan would just sit by and do nothing? "

"But Yingluo really didn't care!"

"that's because you don't know her," shi yalin sneered. She didn't ignore it not because she couldn't, nor because she didn't know how to deal with it. She ignored it now because she was waiting for this matter to ferment to a certain extent. Second uncle, the ning family is finished! you're calling the nings at this time, do you want the shi family to die with the nings?"