why should i be sad (3)

As he spoke, Chi zeyao took out a tissue from the bedside table and gently wiped her tears. He coaxed her softly, " "Don't cry. It really did not hurt. I was a little nervous before the operation. I was afraid that there would be problems during the operation and I would never see you again. at that moment, i also regretted it. I regret not telling you about this."

"then why didn't you call me when you regretted it?" feng ji mian asked, annoyed.

"Because of Nuannuan! Nuannuan told me that my operation would definitely be a success. You know that doctors don't make such promises to their patients when they're in surgery. I believe in Nuannuan. She told me that it'll definitely be successful, so I don't want you to feel sad and worried about me anymore.