Old King2

Chi zeyao smiled and helped the president open the door that Chi Yang was in. He walked in first, then turned sideways to reveal the space.

The president had wanted to go in and look for Chi Yang himself, but Chi zeyao went in instead. His brows furrowed slightly.

Although he was on good terms with the Chi family, Chi zeyao was still the adopted son of the old master Chi. He would maintain a good relationship with Chi zeyao for the sake of old master Chi, but that did not mean that Chi zeyao could betray the Chi family.

He knew very well what kind of person Feng Ji Mian was.

This woman had caused a lot of trouble for the Chi family in the ten years that he had been the president. Others might not know, but he knew that this woman was actually on the opposite side.

Even though he had accepted Feng shengxuan because of Nangong Nuannuan, that didn't mean he could accept Feng jimian.