You have to have what others have (2)

Today, he was wearing a black suit. The exquisite tailoring and handwork made his figure look extremely tall and straight, like an unattainable iceberg that only showed a touch of tenderness to the person in his eyes.

Chi Yang walked to Nangong Nuannuan's side and stood on a step lower than her. He knelt in front of her and looked into her eyes, saying, " "I wanted to propose to you during the earthquake, but it just so happened that it happened. I left before you arrived. After that, I got injured and before I could propose to you, you proposed to me. So today, I want to do something that every man would think of heaven and hell when they do it. Even though I know that I will be given a whole piece of heaven, I still want to tell you: nuannuan, i love you. for the rest of my life, i'll definitely spend every day with you. When you're old, I'll still love you as I do now. are you willing to marry me?"