10,000-year-old male supporting role (1)

"Your father is my younger brother, and I raised him like a son. The impact of his death on you is the same as the impact on me. Now, it's time for revenge."

Feng Luan handed the knife to Feng shengxuan, her eyes full of encouragement.

Feng shengxuan took the knife and slowly stood up.

Seeing that he was struggling to even stand, Feng Kun reached out to help him.

After Feng shengxuan stood up, he slowly walked towards Chi Yang.

The entire place fell silent at the sound of his footsteps.

"Chi Yang, do you know why my father wanted to go against your father?"

When Chi Yang didn't reply, Feng shengxuan said, " "Because your grandfather killed my grandfather. And your father killed my father. that's why we're fighting to the death today.