The ending of the main text

"These are the most touching words of love and promises I've ever heard. I believe you can do it. Then I'll leave Nuannuan to you."

Duke Eton didn't make things difficult for Chi Yang at all. He put on an expression that said, " I trust you, I trust you very much. My Nuannuan will be happy for the rest of her life with you. then, he handed Nangong Nuannuan's hand to Chi Yang.

Chi Yang took the little hand that was placed in his palm with both hands. Her eyes were filled with honey as she touched the softness.

The emcee was about to speak, but Chi Yang stopped following the script and said to Nangong Nuannuan, " "Nuannuan, I will make you happy for the rest of your life."

Looking at the man who doted on her so much, Nangong Nuannuan wanted to say, " in your previous life, you have already fulfilled your promise at the wedding today.


Let those unpleasant memories vanish into thin air.

From now on, there would be nothing that could stop them.