[ chapter ] 329

his chest, which had been fine just a moment ago, had a hole in it, since bai liyue had not moved at all.

originally, for a martial artist of his strength, even if his heart was injured, he could use his divine power to wrap up the injured internal organs. then, he would wait for a miracle to happen.

Even if there were no miracles, at least with the protection of divine power, they could still drag on for a year and a half.

But now, he found that he couldn't even lift his hand.

The wound on his chest was like a black hole, quickly sucking away all of his divine power. He could feel the rapid loss of his divine power and life force.

The Lord looked at himself and Bai Liyue, who had not made a move from the beginning to the end. Then, he turned his head and looked at the other side.

That was where the golden light had disappeared.

And in that place, there was now a red iron Man.

"Iron Man?"