Get Me One Too

Jiang Qiao continued to think about ways to improve this plane fragment, while asking the old mage for more info about this tower at the same time.

The old mage didn't give any more information, but instead started to ramble on about his past adventures.

Jiang Qiao only listened a bit before he got bored and opened the web browser tool, searching for Sacred Souls related content on several forums.

There were already Sacred Souls related posts on several large game forums, and on one page there would be three posts about the game. That being said, two out of three posts were asking for activation codes and such, while the rest were grumbling about how there were so little beta testing qualifications available.

After looking around the forum for interesting content but to no avail, Jiang Qiao closed the forum page. If everything went well, they would be able to open more space by tomorrow.

Around half an hour passed before the Tower of Trials flashed, and the first stone slab started burning. After the fire completely enveloped the stone slab, the words on the stone slab changed in a flash.

The old mage's team had been pushed down to the second place, and because there were only fifty names shown on the stone slab, the fiftieth place had been pushed out of the rankings. The first name was the team that just entered the Tower of Trials a while ago.

Segman Shleiphen, Ross Fionis… Jiang Qiao was too lazy to continue reading, so he just looked at the clearing time behind their names.

Thirty-nine minutes and twenty-seven seconds.

This bunch of NPCs broke the record of the old mage by an entire three minutes.

As the old mage saw the new names appear on the leaderboard, he sighed in remembrance of his lost youth, before smiling contentedly at their achievement.

"Mentor! We did it!"

The group of young mages was even more excited than the old mage, but Jiang Qiao only stared at the team that came out of the tower, wanting to see what they got for achieving first place on the leaderboard.

The mage called Segman Shleiphen held a miniature glowing sculpture in his hand.

Jiang Qiao cast another inspection spell on the sculpture.

[Holy Converging Sculpture.]

[Type: Guild Sacred Relic]

[Guild Level Requirement: LV2]

[Description: An item that enhances the guild it is placed in.]

[Effects: After being activated by the guildmaster, the EXP gain of the guild members will be increased by 10% for two hours. Cooldown time: 72 hours.]

[Warning: This item is strongly stained with the power of another world. It must be purified before use.]

The 'strong power of another world' meant that players wouldn't be able to use the item immediately after use because they didn't sync well with the system.

After getting an item from another world, the players would have to find an NPC to purify it. In other words, Jiang Qiao would convert the items to equipment that were suitable for the Sacred Souls world system.

"A sacred relic! You won another sacred relic for our country, Segman!" The old man was even more excited to see the miniature sculpture than when he saw the new record on the stone slab.

"Now our great Aquaflow has 277 sacred relics, which is twice the amount than your country!" That mage called Segman was so full of himself that he didn't forget to mock Jiang Qiao.

"Huh?" Jiang Qiao blinked, before realizing that they were treating him as a mage of an enemy country. "Oh, yes. How great~"

Jiang Qiao said this, but he thought, 'I need to get one for myself! Not only from inside the tower, but also from their hands…'

The tier of sacred relics like these were different than regular player equipment, and would be more accurately described as equipment for a certain country or guild. Players could also place sacred relics in their manors too. Jiang Qiao hadn't updated this into the game, but it had been a setting that had been there from early on.

In his setting, a single sacred relic would be able to affect the players on a large scale. Taking this Holy Converging Statue for example, it would be able to increase the EXP gain by ten percent for two hours.

This effect definitely fit the definition that Jiang Qiao made for sacred relics.

Now the question was, how much would it require to create a single sacred relic?

Not a lot, at least for ones that had smaller effects like this sculpture here. With a hundred people per guild as the limit, Jiang Qiao would have to use around 300 energy points to create it.

Alright…Maybe it was quite a bit, but it only meant that if he threw sacred relics into the decomposition machine, it would net him quite a lot of energy too.

"How many countries are there?" Jiang Qiao thought it over, and there would probably be a lot of sacred relics out there that had been collected in all this time.

"How many countries? If you didn't even know this, why did you come here?" Those young mages stared at Jiang Qiao like an alien because he asked this question.

"I'm still young, after all…" Jiang Qiao replied honestly.

"Other than Aquaflow and Darkflame, there are four more empires. Do I need to say which other countries there are, young one?" The mage asked—the image of a good teacher.

"No need, but thank you."

Jiang Qiao didn't ask any more questions. Four empires, and uncountable amount of small countries and a hundred years…In all these years all these countries would have sent teams upon teams of their people to challenge this tower, and those sacred relics were probably seen as the most prized possessions of their country.

That old mage continued some small-talk with Jiang Qiao about some unimportant topics, and in this process Jiang Qiao gave two strong MP elixirs to him.

The old mage had a keen eye and was versed in social interaction, so in exchange he gave Jiang Qiao two items called Magical Stones.

And so Jiang Qiao saw this team of NPCs off, and Ocean Blue appeared aside Jiang Qiao.

"Ocean Blue, can you eat this?" Jiang Qiao threw the two small magical stones that were about as big as a finger.

"I can, but I can only get one or two magical points at most. What are you planning?" Ocean Blue asked Jiang Qiao, seeing his expression and thinking that he was plotting something again.

"As long as you can get energy from it…What about sacred relics? How much energy can you get from those?" Jiang Qiao asked again.

Ocean Blue couldn't consume an entire plane at once, and to do so, she would have to find the Plane Core. There were two ways to do so—by killing all living beings on the plane, and the next was to directly find the core itself.

Jiang Qiao and Ocean Blue didn't have the ability to do neither at this point.

This plane fragment itself was like a gold mine, and one that could continually produce gold, at that, so Jiang Qiao had no need to destroy it completely. It was enough to let these experienced players to come reap the benefits, and all Jiang Qiao had to do was to equip the players well enough and support them from the sidelines.

"I can generate around a hundred to two hundred points of energy after consuming that statue." Ocean Blue continued, "If I also consume those people, I would be able to get around ten to twenty per person while the amount I would be able to get would be hard to say for the equipment…"

"That's not a lot, but it's better than nothing." Jiang Qiao opened the system editing page, and pulled out a nuclear weapon that he hadn't placed into Sacred Souls yet…

The Equipment Enhancement System.