Chapter 1

reader's discretion is advised due to the violent nature of this story

Boarding the plane I remembered why I left my snug little valley town of Wilburton, my stupid older brother and his hand full of stupid moronic friends that were made up of the popular kids in school. Believe me there wasn't a day that went by that they didn't remind me.

Granted Jarrod was a whole 10 months older than I was and his friends loved to hang around our house all the time even if they didn't like me, our house was the hang spot for all friends, for us. Not that I had any friends, due to my chronic lack of social skills, grace and all-round awkwardness.

When I left Wilburton I weighed a whole whapping 250 pounds, in addition to that I had acne all over my body. Like literally everywhere even my feet where not exempt.

My big brother's gang of tormenters did exactly that, they would torment me to no end. They would make fun of everything from my weight to my face. This happened throughout my whole middle and high school life, especially from Brandon Menewa. Brandon was a brick of a boy, a full back, team captain,and school president.

I remember going home in tears to my amazing mom, because of him. She would have me lay in her lap and let it all out while stroking my hair eventually I would stop crying, she would then say "crying is good for the soul. Feel better sister love?" I would always nod because I always did after.

One day I wasn't careful about closing my door so I could cry alone, all of Jarrod's friends where at our house, Brandon was in a foul mood yet again.

The only thing I did to set him off was I tried to grab a pen for my homework off the TV and he laid into me, harsher than normal. All I could do was run up to my room. Jarrod and Ryan Milton were outside for one reason or another so they missed the whole show, but Blake Clark, and Jessie Sehoy didn't.

Because of my mistake of just running in my room and slamming my door shut and flopping on my bed to cry, the door slammed back open.

Jarrod was walking towards the restroom when he happened upon me, my face blotchy and red, he asked what happened, I refused to tell him, I never told him what his friends did to me.

I figured he would make fun of me like all of his friends did.

He stalked down stairs, foot falls heavy with anger, after some explaining from Blake. Blake was the only guy out of my brothers group to honestly be nice to me.

Jarrod got in to a fight with Brandon breaking his nose right before Jessie, Ryan, and Blake pulled them apart. I saw the whole thing from the stairs. Brandon left staring daggers at me on his way out.

I never felt more love from my brother than in that moment of him showing his best friend that I was worth fighting for.

The whole thing got me thinking, I wasn't going to ever leave my home town if I didn't do anything right then and there. So I got two jobs and finished high school with honors, I saved up almost 10 grand by then after 3 years of nonstop working. I than packed my bags and headed towards California.

My new life consisted of working out and my job which I found one as a acne cream tester. Once everything was cleared up I quit my job after buying all I could of the one cream that worked as I could within reason.

Than after a whole week of looking for a job I was approached by a talent scout from Twisted magazine.

I figured if they wanted me they could have me. my self-respect and confidence was gradually growing since in the year and a half of living in California I had lost all weight and I still retained my fat girl boobs though most women wanted to be a triple D, I didn't it killed my back now that i didn't have a belly to rest them on. I love California I had lost 300 pounds and I looked good with my natural tan from my Creek and Cherokee heritage, long shapely legs, dark slightly curled hair with Big Green eyes light red lips in a Cupid bow shape. So, I accepted a position as a model and representative for twisted magazine.

My stepfather, father, and brother where up in arms about me doing it and strangely so was Brandon and Blake. It all changed when I let them attend a TZ party. Where Brandon hooked up with my friend Anna and Jerrod hooked up with Jodie. Blake just hung out with me all that night. It annoyed Shawn my newly Ex the entire time.

The only reason I am on the TZ plane at this very moment was because, well, my ex Shawn. Shawn started to hit me after a couple of months of dating. I had become a feminist in my stay at the Kitten mansion and during my training. So, I wasn't about to let a man hit me and lay there and take it.

I wired my mom a lot of money so she could get me a house and furniture and pay bills so everything could be turned on and be ready when I arrived. I made sure to tell her to find a house as far away from my brother and his friends as possible but still in the Wilburton area.

I think Otep said it best "he's a parasite." But I love him anyways if I didn't I would have killed him a long time ago.

I was brought out my t thoughts by my phone ringing "Rip out the Wings of a Butterfly" by H.I.M. I answered in my pouty voice "house of pain how my I spank you, you bad boy?"

The all too familiar voice of Blake laughed and said "howdy do, to you too... now... about that spanking..."

I cut him off and said "you can't afford me, I get 20 grand for an hour photo shoot, 30k for a half an hour web-chat where you don't even see me, and 250k for a movie, that is for one scene... so I might be able to say you can't afford me. Too bad you only see me as a sister..."

He did one of his nervous chuckles.

Worried I had over stepped some boundaries I asked "Blake? Are you ok?"

You could hear him smile into the phone when he said "yes, my dove. I am ok."

Picking up on the Dove part, I asked "have you been hanging out with Ville again? I swear since I introduced you two you have been inseparable. Yes he is very dreamy and a singer , but I thought you where straight ? is there something you not telling my brother and me, about your sexual tendancys? I have always wondered why you dress better than me..."

He chuckled again and said "don't worry love, I don't bat for the other team though, Ville has been trying. So, have all of his band members."

Scoffing I said "yeah, yeah I bet.. by the way why did you call me?"

He said in an ackward voice "oh, well.. your mother has decided I am the man that should find your house. So, I did and well it needed some work so I fixed it up for you but it still needs a womans touch so what I didn't do you will have to do yourself."

I growled and said " your not telling me the details will I atleast like it? Blake, you ass! Stop! Laughing!"

He was taking deep breaths to try and control the laughing, he finally said, "you will like it unless you completely lost your Oklahoman roots."

Frowning into my phone thinking about my words carefully as to not sound angery I said, "do you think, you could temporally steel my brothers hummer? Please, I need it for when you come and pick me up."

He sighed and said " your bringing the queen of crazy's aren't you?"

I smiled and looked across the plane at Jen my best girlfriend from high school, my only real friend besides Blake. I nodded to myself and said, "yes, Jen is coming. It's not nice that you call her that. I expect better from you, Blake O'Hara." I didn't really believe my words.

then remembered about the surprise I was bringing home for my brother and his friends. I figured I could tell him. I hesitated for a moment than said "I forgot to tell you I have a surprise for all males I love and hate when I get there."

He groaned and said "I hate your surprises they are no fun for me."

I giggled and said "well, you will like this one."

The stewardess started to walk my way so I said 'hey I have a angry woman on this plane coming my way. So, yeah, I got to go. Bye."

He said a quick "bye."

I hung up my phone and raised my hands in defense and said to the lady in front of me "a girl needs her phone?"

She held out her hand and said, "and a girls got to do what she got to do."

Pouting I handed her my phone.

Jen, Anna, Kim and Jodie, all were staring at me then they started to laugh. The stewardess looked at them with a stern gaze and said, "I want yours also, ladies."

They all stopped laughing abruptly and handed over their phones, shooting daggers with there eyes the whole time at the lady. This was going to be a fun plane ride...