Chapter 3

My head was pounding to the drum beat of my heart when I woke up. Looking threw slanted eyes, I looked around and I noticed that Blake, Ryan, Jessie, Jerrod, Kim, Brandon, Anna, Jen and Jodie where all looking at me all with various states of anxiety plastered on their face. I also noticed I was on a very comfy couch.

I widened my eyes to normal and everyone let out a collective sigh.

Setting up I asked "what happened?"

Brandon replied and said "uh... Jodie called your brother freaking out, hyperventilating, saying y'all where getting bad vibes and feeling like someone was watching y'all. Than she said you went all pale and passed out."

Stammering I said" h-how l-long w-w-was I out?"

Jodie looking at Jerrod said "a few hours. You feeling any better sweet pea?"

I felt fine it's Just I hadn't felt like that since Shaw went nuts. I told them this and the guys exchanged glances and left. I assume they where checking around the house.

I looked into Anna big blue eyes and said "honey I think it's time to go to the pound." a smile crossed her face she had been bugging me to rescue some dogs for a month. I think it's time to get some big dogs. Yes I am more of a cat person but I will wait for the perfect cat to come to me.

An hour later I was standing Infront of two big Saint Barnard's and a German Shepard trying to decide which ones where more me. Finally I turned to the shelter worker and bombarded him with "do they all get along? With each other? Can they be trained? Will they keep my creepy stalker ex away? Are they house trained? How much do they eat? Can I have all 3? How old are they? Where did they come from? Are they fixed? Do they like cats?"

With a very coil face he said in one breath "yes, yes, yes,yes, yes, 3cups twice daily, yes, German Shepard is 6 just retired from the department of corrections because his nose is defective he is here bc no one wanted him his name is Bob. The two Saint Bernards where forcibly taken due to being in a puppy mill they where being mated to each other over and over. They have no names and They are all fixed and we can check and see if they like cats. Dose that answer your questions?"

I shook my head and said, " how are we going to check them for liking cats?"

With a straight face he said " well little lady I am going to dress up as one carry one and walk past them."

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Well, yes ma'am I am very serious. I love my job I take it very seriously."

My eyes where watering from them bugging out. I was straining to not laugh in this man's face. It was a battle I was slowly losing. So I said " than let's p-proceed."

The man I later found out was called Mike excused himself to change.

I took this opportunity to go look at cats. When I entered the cat room they all started mewing trying to get some love attention and cuddles. There was one putting it's paw out that got my attention the most. It was a solid black cat with the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen. I fell in love at once. What Can I say I like what I like. I opened up the cage and it jumped into my arms and started to purr rubbing its head against my cheek. Yup I was sold. I looked at the name tag and found out he was a he named Aries yeah like in the zodiac. Like I said the right cat will find you not you it.

Mike chose that time to imerge from the back closet door in a head to toe cat suit. Aries Hissed at him. And snuggled closer to me. Mike went to hold him and that is when all bedlam let loose the black cat attracted the molten looking white cat head. I was trying to pry him off. This was the exact moment Blake decided to enter the room. All he said was "Babe." with an arched eyebrow like the rock.

This is a man that dose not really have to say much to get his point across. One word has multiple meanings.

I immediately let go of the cat and turned beat red. The cat let go of the head and leaped Into Blake's arms you could hear the cats purring from where I was standing. I guess he is a cat person. I told him what we where trying to do, and all he did was nod and take the cat threw the door he'd just came in threw.

I followed him. So did mike in his cat suit...

When Blake got to the 3 dogs the saint banards started to bark like crazy the sweet little German Shepard didn't... The funny thing is the cat up to her, and started to rub on the dog crazy right. So I am getting a cat and dog.

Blake paid all the fees while I filled out the paper work. Than we went home.

When we entered my New home, there was a huge welcome home sign and everyone screaming surprise. My house was fixed up as though I didn't just get their the day before. I told everyone "thank you" than commenced to hang out and mingle the rest of the night.

Life was at a good high point for me my friends and family was surrounding me.

After getting a little buzz going I decided that it was time to call it a night.

I walked slowly down the hallway using the wall as a guide since the hallway light was out.

When I got to my bedroom door and opened it the sight before me was gruesome.