New Discovery!

Once the wolves were taken down, everyone's attention was turned towards the Trolls. They had already started attacking the hobgoblin group. It could be noted that the troll had some pretty good defense with their healing factor. Sadly, if the troll was low in rank, it could be executed through beheading with a good weapon.

Vitiate found that the Troll must have some sort of defense ability, maybe a resistance type of ability.

Author Note: I'm talking about like Fire Resistance or Ice Resistance, you know. :D

He wasn't certain that they may have something like that, but they were taking the hobgoblin's fireballs pretty well so it was possible. Much to the troll's dismay, they were completely outnumbered, they weren't that smart so they didn't know when to retreat like the wolves.

Vitiate had the hidden Kobolds use their tranquilizers on the troll, they didn't have many tranqs left. So, it was advised by Vitiate that they use their arrows carefully and not to miss if they could. The trolls had already reached the hob enhancer's group.

Their bodies were filled with arrows, but they kept rushing without thinking about the fact that they looked like porcupines. Goblin warriors were knocked away like wooden puppets with ease by the trolls. Despite their evolution, they were absolutely no match for trolls at this stage of power.

The Hob Enhancer quickly got away but was pursued by the leader of the trolls. The troll wasn't that smart but it knew who it had to kill to make things easier. The Hobgoblin had no choice, so it used a flame shock at point-blank on the troll!


An explosion shot out, both the troll and the hobgoblin were blown into different directions from the Hob Enhancer's attack. The troll landed on the ground and began to roll around in pain from the overwhelming attack. Its skin had burned badly from the attack, but with its healing factor, it should heal soon.

Vitiate quickly commanded the Warrior hob to finish it off while it could! The warrior hob was watching with surprise, it was the first time it had seen the enhancer Hob at work. After hearing Vitiate's voice, it quickly turned serious and went over to finish the troll off.

The Enhancer Hob had taken some serious damage and wasn't moving at all, did it die? He had checked all his monster's status' so he saw that the Hob enhancer had Fire resistance that was Level 1.

After killing the troll leader, the other trolls turned around in shock seeing their dead leader! They weren't the brightest and decided to run away. He wanted to stop them by having them get tranked, but the attack from the Enhancer gob would probably draw more monsters over.

He couldn't deal with any other monsters now, it was best to grab the troll corpses and wolves to return to the dungeon! Vitiate would have to wait until he had stronger monsters or any creature that could fly to scout the area.

The Enhancer Hob's face and half its body was scorched by the last attack it preformed at point-blank. Many Goblins were wounded and couldn't fight anymore, it was a good thing the trolls ran away, or else!

The Kobolds and some Goblins carried the wounded Enhancer and helped the other wounded goblins back to the dungeon. Vitiate had sent quite a number of kobolds as reinforcements, so it was enough to carry the wolves and trolls back.

"Thank goodness they didn't run into any trouble on their way back!" Vitiate sighed deeply in relief. Vitiate immediately had the others give them medical attention. He had some healing potions, but they were common grade so it would take a bit longer for the effects to activate.

The Warrior hob was easily able to have his hand reattached, but the hob Enhancer had to lay in bed like some other goblins to recover. If they did die, he could just replace them if it happened.

With that, he had the 2 trolls absorbed into the dungeon soon after.

[Ding! Your Dungeon has absorbed a Troll, you've gained: 7,000 Dp!]

[Ding! Your Dungeon has absorbed a Troll Leader, you've gained: 8,500 Dp!]

[Ding! You've received Nullifier Hammer [Uncommon Grade] (Replica)!]

"Replica?" Vitiate shook his head "I thought so, it seems to be something that was made on a whim and not the real deal." He knew it was too good to be true, this item was a copy, a rip off of the real one!

Vitiate sent the Ogre male and Orc male over to the wolves to force them into submission. The wind wolf was acting up, but it was locked down by some special chains. This Wind Wolf was too arrogant, Vitiate could understand what it was saying, so he knew.

The Ogres had already had a kid, it was a boy, it had Red skin with a little horn coming out of its forehead. The Male and Female took special care of it, they really were a pair that was in love! Vitiate thought it was just some instincts at first to breed like those Eastern Orcs but it wasn't!

Eastern Orcs would kidnap females from other races to breed them, it was pretty much r*** at that point. They would keep them locked up to continue the process daily, it was endless hell for the female that was caught. The Eastern Orcs highly favorited Elves, Humans, Demi-Humans, and the fox race women the most.

However, Western Orcs were much different. If they were to catch you, it would only be to eat you later. They didn't care about things like lust and focused more on fighting and eating than anything else. To the Western Orc, they were nothing more than food, or something it had to kill!

With that, the Ogre and Orc male went to the second floor and proceed to beat the Wind Wolf into submission.

Vitiate had told the wolf to surrender or he'll be beaten until he does, but it simply said 'go fuck yourself!' This shocked Vitiate silent, he couldn't believe a wolf could speak in such a vulgar tongue! It also had a feminine voice, was it a female or was that how it sounded?

He didn't bother with the other Brown Wolves, they would submit the minute the Wind Wolf did. After hours of being beat which was surprisingly funny to Vitiate, it surrendered. With its surrender, the rest of the Brown wolves conceded.

[Ding! Eighteen New Monsters have joined your Dungeon!]

[18 Wolves have been added to your ranks!]

[Congratulations, you've earned 23,000 Dp with your recruitment of 18 Mid-tier Raced creatures!]

[Ding! New things have been added to the Dungeon Store!]

Vitiate originally had 45,550 after buying the orbs and the chains to hold the wolf in place. However, after absorbing the Trolls and recruiting the wolves, he now had 84,050 Dungeon Points!

"Good! I need to keep getting more points to survive in this crazy forest!" He had been fortunate to make it this far, if he was raided by monsters then that would be troublesome. Vitiate looked at the beaten black and blue wolf, he couldn't help but chuckle seeing this.

"Let's check my little wolf friend's status."

Name: Wind Wolf

Race Type: Wolf

Gender: Female

Title: Tribe Leader, Alpha Female

Class: N/A

Evolution Chain Level: 1 (Can Evolve)

Vitality: 160 |Mana: 60 |Strength: 110 |Spd: 202 |Intelligence: 65 |Dexterity: 180 |Charm: 50

Innate Talent: Zone Perception

Passive Abilities: Untaunting Growl| Rally| Leadership|

Element:🌪️Wind Mastery: F

Techniques: |Wind Blade: Lv:1| Wind Step: Lv:1| Wind Cutter Lv:1|

Name: Brown Wolf

Race Type: Wolf

Gender: Male

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Evolution Chain Level: 0 (Can Evolve)

Vitality: 70 |Mana: 10 |Strength: 55 |Spd: 110 |Intelligence: 30 |Dexterity: 90 |Charm: 20

Passive Abilities: Untaunting Growl|

Innate Talent: N/A

"Not bad, this wind wolf has some pretty good stats according to my Warrior Hob stats." Vitiate nodded in agreement to himself. The Wind Wolf was a bit angry but it'll get over it in due time, he relocated them to the 3rd floor with the Orcs, Moon bears, and Ogres.

The Wind Wolf would later evolve into something like a Hurricane Wolf in the future, it was no telling.

Vitiate looked and saw that he had some new Monsters he could add to the dungeon. However, he believed it was time for him to get a body. It was about that time to do so, he needed to train and get used to it.

It would cost a total of 65,000 Dungeon Points to complete the process. "But before getting my new body, it seems that my fortune is good. For the new creatures, I've gotten a new flying type creature called the Scout Crow."

These Scout crows were only 50 Dungeon Points each and could scout the land without worrying about the crazy Monsters roaming around. The sky was the best way to investigated the land around anywhere anyways.

Vitiate bought 3 scout crows and set them loose to scout the area. The first place he wanted to check was the mountain he was under. Vitiate just watch through the projection from their eyes, they didn't need any orbs like the others.

The crows continued to fly upwards until they reached the top. Vitiate was stunned seeing the mountain, it was in fact, a Volcano sitting above him! Something caught his attention through the eyes of the crow.

"Is that what I think it is, it looks like an egg but it could be a rock." What he spotted was something that was black and red with firey patterns on it.

"It must be an egg, it can't be anything else. But what type of creature is it to be sitting in volcano lava?" The egg was the size of a soccer ball, its coloration was so beautiful that if he was present, he'd grab it and make a run for it!

Two crows circled around the egg while one watch from afar. Suddenly, the sky turned red for a second and both the crows were reduced to ashes!

"What the hell!?" Vitiate was shocked! Not because the crows were turned into ash, but because of what he was seeing! He was looking through the 3rd crow's eyes and could see what killed the crows in an instant.

It was a Giant Bird with Red and Gold wings that looked majestic and recognizable to anyone that saw it. It had eyes that were glowing Red, every time it flapped its wings sparkles would fall from it! Red Aura swirled around the Bird as it flapped its wings hard again, it had spotted the 3rd Crow!

The screen went black soon after. Vitiate already knew what it was, it was a mythical creature that was rare in any scenario!

The Phoenix!