Cave Findings!

When he arrived on the 7th floor, there was nothing but the default cave system. Vitiate touched the walls with his hand and smiled a bit. With that, he began his work, he decided to turn this place into a mountain but with a huge forest around it.

The Mountain was a Snow Mountain, it had a little bit of a snowy terrain in the forest but not much. Vitiate decided that he wanted Western Orcs and Maybe a powerful Bear on this floor, but Orcs will do for now.

"Let's see, I have 18,900 Dungeon Points. It shouldn't be much of a problem if I buy some Western Orcs." Vitiate was currently standing in a forest surrounded by snow-covered trees. This part of the forest would have a minor snowfall every now and then.

Sadly, he was now out of free terrain templates, but they didn't cost much to buy. Vitiate bought 5 Western Orcs, this time he had 1 Male and 4 Females. Unlike the Eastern Orc Females, the Western Orc Females looked feminine. The Eastern Orc Females looked like males, no one could tell the difference!

Vitiate now had 11,400 Dungeon Points, he was out of terrain as well. Of course, he could use the free terrain he had over and over again, but who would do that? He could mix and match some of the terrain as he did with this mountain, he added a little bit of snow around to change it a bit.

The Western Orcs spawned with tribal clothing on, it was completely different from the Eastern Orcs. They looked around, they then looked at Vitiate and bowed. He simply gave them the order to reproduce as usual, it was the best way to save Dungeon Points.

These Dungeon floors were all pretty big, so they could fit a lot of monsters on them. People needed a person with a special ability to find the exit that led to the higher floors. However, there were devices to help anyone find the way out of dungeons and the way to other Dungeon floors. These devices were sold at a cheap price, so anyone could get their hands on one.

These Orcs were already his favorite after seeing them up close. They were really like the world of warcraft Orcs! From the bio he was reading on them, they were really friendly with the Goblin race.

Goblins were good at alchemy and could be taught and trained to be an alchemist. They often worked together with the Western Orcs or did trades with them. However, this was only for the organized Goblins in ancient times, there was nothing but primitive and stupid Goblins now!

Vitiate dismissed the Orcs and told them to choose anywhere they would like to live. After they left, he sat under a tree for a bit. Vitiate thought about the Pheonix on the Volcano, it posed a serious threat but it had already marked its territory which was not in his range, so it was okay for now.

What he needed now was for some scout crows to scout the land from the sky. "I should watch the video of the Pheonix, I want to look it over." Vitiate rubbed his chin and warped away to the Dungeon Core floor.

Vitiate saw Lily sitting on a nearby rock, she looked bored but smiled when she saw him. He sighed, but then he thought of something. "Say, Lily, you wanted to have some fun, right? If you do, I can set something fun up for you." Vitiate said thoughtfully.

"Gasp! Fun! Yes, Lily wants to have fun, where is the fun?" Lily's little cheeks turned red from joy as she shot off the rock. She landed on Vitiate's shoulder and stared at him with anticipation.

"Watch and learn, you'll be amazed!" Just for his little fairy Dungeon Core, he bought a paradise Garden Terrain. This Terrain cost 500 Dungeon Points, so it wasn't all that bad.

Lily had other things she could do for the Dungeon other than just commanding monsters. She also had the ability to edit floors if she wanted to. She couldn't summon floors or monsters, but controlling and editing floors was one of the other things she could do.

Vitiate had Lily help him customize the floor, he created a large wide space on this floor and a huge waterway slide. In fact, he could see other monsters on the Dungeon System, they were just greyed out, so they couldn't be purchased.

Vitiate saw that he could even buy fairies in the future, fairies were very good at the natural elements, they could be her playmates later. For now, she would have to play by herself, he could and didn't have the time for that.

The place had nice tropical trees to it and all, this floor had been set to the 10th floor. Vitiate could move floors anywhere he wanted, he could switch the 4th and 1st floor's position if he wanted to. This was a special floor for Lily, so once he got more floors, he would continue to move this floor to the last stage.

Lily looked excited and began to play on the water slide and flower slides. Vitiate had added many flowers so he decided to add basic bees to produce honey. After he was done with that, he walked off to the Dungeon core which was on this floor.

Vitiate sat back in his chair and watched the recording over again of the Pheonix. After watching it three times, he noticed something! "Wow, hold up! What was that? There was some strange cave on the mountain that I missed!"

He noticed that when his crows were heading up the mountain, he saw a Cave from their Peripheral vision! This time, he summoned five Crows, he wanted to scout that cave and see what was in it. After 5 minutes of flying up the Volcano Mountain, the cave was spotted with ease because he knew of it.

The crows flew through the cave, it was like any cave system. The cave was dark, but after flying through it for a bit longer, he saw red light from the crow's eyes. Once the crows reached the light, what appeared were giant red crystals. According to the crows, it was warm and gave off heat within the cave.

"Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anything here other than these giant Red crystals." Vitiate seemed a little disappointed, but these weren't just any crystals, they were fire crystals. However, he looked at another screen, he heard one of the crow's voices.

"What? Are those what I think they are?" Vitiate stood up in surprise. What one of his crows spotted was a nest, there were 3 white eggs with strange yellow designs on them. They were the size of normal eggs but slightly bigger.

The crows were normal in size as the typical crow, so carrying them wasn't going to happen. "If all of them worked together to carry one at a time, then it should be good." Vitiate commanded to crows to carefully carry these eggs out.

He also ordered a few Goblins to wait below the mountain to get the eggs from the crows. He didn't care how time-consuming it was, if he had to have them bring one down at a time, he would do it!

They did just that, all five crows worked together to bring one egg down at a time. This took an hour to bring all three eggs down. They were handed to the Goblins and they set off to the second floor with them in hand. Vitiate just stationed the Scout Crows on the 1st floor, no traps would activate to hurt them so they were okay here.

He warped to the second floor to personally retrieve the eggs. The Goblins were stunned to see the Dungeon master for the first time, they had never seen him before but they knew he was the Master. They all kneeled down after being stunned, but Vitiate just told them to stand, this wasn't necessary.

They handed him the eggs, and he analyzed them. They were showing up as red on his Dungeon Interface, so they were deemed as enemies to the Dungeon. After some time, he made the eggs submit, it was easy to do since they had no will of their own yet.

"Good! They now belong to my Dungeon! I swear! If these are pigeon eggs I'm gonna go crazy!" Vitiate heartbeat almost stopped just thinking about that result.

Since they were apart of his Dungeon, he could check their status now.

Name: Griffin Egg

Race Type: Bird

Gender: ?

Title: None

Class: N/A

Evolution Chain Level: 0

|💚Vitality:? |💙Mana:? |❤️️Strength: ? |💜Spd: ? |💛Intelligence: ? |🧡Dexterity: ? |💗Charm: ?

Passive Abilities: ?

Innate Talent: ?

"OH, MY GOODNESS!" Vitiate was shocked! It was the Mythical creature, the Griffin! He recalled that the Griffin needed to be somewhere warm to be born, at least healthy that is.

"This is dangerous, but I'm going to need some goblins to climb up the mountain." He needed to get some of those fire crystals. The Griffins would need to be placed next to fire crystals to speed up their birth and for them to be alive and healthy.

Vitiate was excited, he could even ride on their backs if he wanted to. They could fly, but once he got his monstrous transformation, then he would be able to fly himself. Griffins were powerful and could control at least two to three elements!

Vitiate gave the goblins the order, he called them over and gave them equipment. Two iron pickaxes each and a big sack to carry some crystals. The crystals weren't hard to break, but they did have a lot of mana in them that he could use.

With that, 10 Goblins set out, he wanted to get this over with fast. It would be bad if the mom showed up and started rampaging on his Goblin force. Just in case, he sent out 3 crows to watch the surroundings for them.

"Everything is good so far, they will empower my dungeon a lot once they grow!" Vitiate could see from the Dungeon store that Griffins were greyed out, but they also cost a lot.

"Now, to sit back and relax a bit, I just got this body, after all!" Vitiate brought up the 10th floor's screen and saw Lily playing, she didn't seem bored at all.
