Heroes Summoning!

The Saint explained more about the situation and the Devil race making an appearance. Everyone finally knew the graveness of this situation, this wasn't anything good. The Dark races were more active these days because of it. Creatures like Vampires and Succubuses were on the prowl in their hunting methods.

Villages were the easiest targets, they didn't have much defense and the creatures could take a human appearance like most high up in rank races. After Saint Lucas was done telling them about what was going on in greater detail, he left the stage.

After he left the stage, a woman walked up, she had red eyes and red firey hair. She was tall and slim with long hair and sharp eyebrows. "Time has already passed during Lucas' speech, and him answering all of your questions." She scanned the room full of people and continued.

"The Hero Summoning will begin in 10 minutes, but not all of you can be present to see the summoning, sadly. However, you'll get to see the heroes, each hero will be taken by a certain faction to further their training." There were going to be 10 heroes and only certain factions had the rights to take a hero with them.

Many warriors of the light were dissatisfied with this, who didn't want a hero in their faction? The kingdom of Roland was the last to find out about this situation since the king was so paranoid about succubus and incubus, he never allowed anyone in so easily.

However, the 2nd Prince of the Rox Kingdom was present with his bodyguards. This was the same for the Romulus Kingdom, but they had a Prince and Princess present for this.

"Now! The 3 priests will call the faction leaders and representatives to the Altar Chambers." The red-haired woman spoke and pointed elsewhere. Suddenly, a huge door in the room opened and 3 old men dressed in pure white robes and robed hoodies came out with staffs in their hands.

"Ms. Melanie, you're the first to be called, so you can go on ahead." One of the robed oldmen signaled the woman on the stage, her name was Melanie. Melanie smiled and got off the stage, she bowed lightly as the Oldman nodded gently.

Afterward, the men began to call different representatives and Faction leaders affiliated with the light. Much to everyone's surprise, the Kingdom prince' and princesses were called! They called the Roland Kingdom's name, but he got the message too late, they may send a hero over there, or not!

With that, the doors were shut as the whole room went silent.

"Damn, my faction doesn't get an opportunity to choose a hero, how sad!" One man in white and blue armor sighed.

"Well, if your merit was high enough, then you could have chosen one! What is there to be surprised about Marko?"

"Rick, you can fuck off! You do nothing for your faction, yet you can talk trash!" Marko's facial expression turned dark.

"Haha, says the one who won't receive a hero!" Rick didn't care, he was decently strong himself and wasn't afraid of Marko.

Suddenly, a spear made out of light formed in Marko's hand, he was ready to fight!

"Wow, wow, hold it right there! Have you forgotten where we are!?" A man in white armor and a cape hanging off it yelled out seeing this disrespectful action. This was a sacred place and he dared to pull out a weapon to fight!

"Ah! Sorry!" Marko quickly put his weapon away. Rick smiled mockingly toward Marko, but all he could do was look away in anger. Many people shook their heads, Rick was known for his trash-talking so they could relate to Marko.


Inside the summoning chamber, many figures gathered around the altar. "Prince Louis isn't here, it's too bad he'll miss out on such a great event." The prince of the Rox Kingdom smiled knowing he could see a hero summoning.

"Well, it's his loss, but I heard he got the message pretty late." The Romulus Kingdom prince shrugged, it didn't matter to him.

"Haha, his father had gone paranoid from having his wife scooped up and killed!" Prince Lars couldn't help but laugh, his Kingdom had no problems with monsters like these.

"You shouldn't laugh, if Louis was here, he'd probably attack you on the spot for making that comment!" The princess of Romulus Scorned seeing this man's disgusting personality.

Lars licked his lips and looked the Princess up and down. "How about you become my wife and we can get to know each other a bit more in bed, hehe!" Lars' eyes landed on the princess's thighs, they looked so soft that he wanted to bury his head in them!

Before the princess could explode, a voice came over. "Keep your vulgar words to yourself or I'll rip your mouth off!" A woman walked over, she had red hair, yes, this was Melanie. She glared coldly at Lars, if glares could kill, it was no telling how many pieces he would have been blown into.

"A joke, relax, it isn't anything serious." Lars smiled bitterly and got up to move to a different part of the room. He had heard about this crazy woman before, she would beat the hell out of men and even kill them for the slightest bit of disrespect.

"Haha! Runaway!" The princess jeered at Lars but he didn't look back at her, his face was already sweating pretty bad in the face of that crazy woman, he was warned by his father many times.

"Little girl, I was surprised to see you come out of the castle for this event!" Melanie smiled and took a seat next to the princess.

"Yeah, my dad and mom are too overprotective, so I couldn't go to many places, but now, hehe, I can go!" Usually, the Kings were the head of the Kingdom, but that was different for Romulus Kingdom, it was ruled by the Queen!

The Continent only had 3 Giant Kingdoms in it, Roland, Romulus, and Rox. There were other continents with usually the same number of kingdoms. "My little Senna is growing up so fast, you'll surely be a beauty when you get older. Make sure to join the Palace of Light, I'll be sure to teach you many things!" Melanie smiled and said.

"I will do so!" Senna nodded like a chicken pecking grain. Before they could say more, a man in white robes, that were so long they dragged on the ground came out.

"Gasp! Grand Priest Neo!" Everyone gasped in shock, this man never made an appearance in public and many rarely saw him so close. Two other men followed behind him, they were giving off powerful pressure that stunned everyone.

They were both carrying a box each that were both embedded with many glamorous jewels. Once they were close to the altar, they sat the box on the table next to the altar and took several steps back.

The Grand Priest Neo took a step forward and spoke. "Some of you are only here to witness, while some of you are here to witness and get a hero to train and guard your borders." Neo's hands were tied behind his back as he explained, then he suddenly reached out for one of the boxes.

Neo pulled out a key and proceeded to open both boxes. Once he opened the box, a radiant light washed over the room, it was a rainbow light that left many in awe. Neo pulled out 5 strange stones from each box and slowly place them on the table.

These were special stones that could be used every 1,000 years to summon a hero to the world. One stone could summon one, but 10 could summon, well, ten! The Heroes in question that were being summoned would come from different worlds.

There wasn't just this world, there were several worlds like the one John came from. They could never come from the same world, which the Order Of Light liked most about this. The light had died down at this point but the stones were still glowing with rainbow light.

Neo slowly sat the stones on the altar one at a time before backing away. There were special pillars around to help conduct this summoning. Neo looked over at one of the men off to the side and gave him a nod.

The man in white pulled a lever and the altar began to glow up! The altar exuded Electricity, Fire, water, ice, Mind, Light, Life, Wood, Earth, Wind, Space, Time, and Metal Fluctuations!

Everyone was lost in amazement, no one had ever seen the summoning before, its been so long since anyone had to do this. Neo himself was a bit surprised, but it didn't show on his face. The stones floated in the air as they slowly lost their color, they began to slowly turn into stone as they floated back into the box they originated from.

Neo's eyes flashed green, which indicated that he was using the Mind Ability to control the stones.

At that moment, ten figures could be seen in the rainbow light which represented all the elements!

The light died down slowly to reveal the 10 summoned Heroes from different worlds!