Island Map!

The 4 able fighters got into their fighting positions, there was no way they could run from this thing. They could only stand their ground and fight until they killed it or if it fled, or maybe when they all... died!

"Ahhh!" The Manticore copied the scream of the man it burned to death just recently as its face twisted into a strange smile.

"Now, that's creepy!" Vitiate was stunned hearing the Manticore copy the dead man's scream. Yes, this was the Manticore with the face similar to a human.

"Fucking Monster!" The spearman shivered hearing the screams that the Manticore mimicked, it was especially because its face looked so identical to a human, it was too creepy!

"Hehehe!" The Manticore laughed and shot another Flamethrower at the group of men, they quickly moved away to dodge. The bowman fired an arrow at the Manticore as he strafed to the side, once he shot an arrow he quickly drew another from his quiver.

The Manticore simply blocked the arrow with its wing, then it lunged at the bowman, it would rather not get hit from any ranged attacks. The Manticore knew who it had to take out first and that was the ranged annoyances.

"Damn it!" The bowman cursed, he became the first target of the Manticore! Suddenly, the 2 swordsman ran over to blocked the Manticore with their swords!

Their swords clashed against the Manticore's two horns on its head!

"Richard, come stab it, hurry!" The spearman's name was apparently Richard. Richard quickly ran over with his spear, ready to impale the Manticore. However, just when he wanted to, the Manticore flung its thick scorpion tail.

Richard tried to block the Manticore's tail and he did, but the tail had too much force behind it. With a ding metal sound, he was sent flying like a kite with no strings attached somewhere into the forest.

"Richard!" They were surprised, they knew Richard was a big and fit guy with a lot of muscles, but he was thrown away by this Manticore like it was nothing!

"Richard!" The Manticore copied the Brown bearded man's words and began to charge up another flamethrower!

"Break!" The two swordsmen quickly moved out of the way as the area they were once standing in, was set ablaze.

The Manticore quickly moved this time, it didn't waste a second and lunged towards one of the swordsmen! The fire attack was just a distraction to get them to move, it just wanted to single them out.

The Manticore appeared in front of the Darkblue haired swordsman in a flash, it quickly rammed him with its horns on its head! The swordsman's armor was ripped through like paper, it was nothing under the Manticore's horn!

"Arg!! Pfft!" The Swordsman yelled then spat up a mouth full of blood!

"No! You Evil Thing!" The brown bearded man stabbed the Manticore, but something was strange, it didn't pass through! The hide of the Manticore was too hard to cut through with his level of strength!

The Bowman kept shooting arrows, but they failed to penetrate its skin. The Manticore was worried about the bowman at first because he could hit his eyes with an arrow and that wouldn't be good for it.

"Mommy, I want my mommy!" The Manticore said a few more words that sound like a little girl's voice. It then shot another flamethrower at the man on its horns, it was nothing he could do. The Bearded man kept stabbing the Manticore, but it just wasn't working.

Seeing the incoming crisis before them, the Doctor, Bowman, and the Explorer made a run for it! They weren't fighters, they couldn't do anything here but wait for death, and who would do that? Vitiate sighed, this creature was no joke, it was just too strong!

The Bearded man never gave up, he kept stabbing at the Manticore but nothing changed. Seeing the man struggle, the Manticore face twisted into a sinister smile. The Manticore then swung its tail toward the man's legs, it was his front knees!


"AHHH!" The bearded man fell to the ground screaming in pain, his legs were bent in the wrong place! Vitiate cringed seeing the man's deformed legs, it was almost too hard to look at.

"No! You Evil Thing!" The Manticore copied the man's words again!

"You fucker, you think this is funny, someone's going to kill you one day, hahaha!" The man laughed in grief, he knew it was over. The Manticore said nothing more and brought its tail to the man's neck, impaling him.

"Ugh!" The Poison from the Manticore's tail was instant, the man started to bleed out of his eyes, mouth, and ears at an alarming rate. He foamed at the mouth, his eyes bled so much that his eyes sockets looked empty until he stopped moving, he was dead!

"Please! Don't kill me!" The Manticore said a few more words, then it walked off! At this time, Vitiate was already on the move, he was tracking the 3 men from earlier who ran away. He wanted to catch the man with the map to take it from him.

It wasn't hard to find them, the trio was hiding in a bush shivering in fear. Vitiate sat on the treetop and spoke in a deep voice. "Hand over the map or the 3 of you will die here without intact corpses, hahaha!" Vitiate adjusted his voice to something sort of sinister and demonic like.

"Ah! Please, don't kill us, just take it, I don't wanna die!" The Explorer's forehead was drenched in sweat and so was his clothes. Vitiate wasn't too sure, but he believed he smelled piss coming from one of these men!

Did one of them piss themselves!?

The man held the map out for Vitiate and he snatched it from his hand!

"Please, don't kill us, we don't taste good mister demon, sir!" They thought he was a demon, what else could he be if not that?

"Demon? Who the heck are you calling a demon!? Scram before I change my mind!"

"Ahhh!" The three men jumped up and ran with all their might, they didn't even look back!

Once they were gone, Vitiate sat in a tree and looked at the map. The map was so detailed that it shocked Vitiate, it was a map of this island only. The map was created by an SSS-Rank Adventurer who was very powerful, she was bold enough to draw this map out. The woman was an artist, she was also a summoner who could summon monsters to fight with her.

"Lissandra Snow!" She had made several copies of this map and sold them at a high price! People would buy it, she was an SSS-Rank Adventurer and this map was very helpful to many adventurers.

Author Note: I went the extra mile for you guys and made a map for you to see. This is the map he has as of now, check it out here:

Vitiate discovered that there were five parts to Dread Forest. The Woodland Zone, The Swamp Zone, The Glacial Zone, The Black Zone, and The Dead Zone! He was located in the Woodland Zone where there were nice forests, so he was quite fortunate with his location.

"Goa Village, it should be some ways away from here, the man mentioned it not too long ago." Vitiate saw Goa Village on the map as well, it was a village with a Guild, ship dock, and a Noble Mansion present on the map within the village.

[Ding! Mission Unlocked!]

[Vengeful Strike!]

Mission Objective: Destroy the Arachnid Dungeon Displayed on the Map! This Dungeon attacked you once before, take them down and get revenge!

[Mission Rewards!]

⭒10,000 Glory Points

⭒35,000 System Points

⭒Mysterious Eggs

Note: This mission is optional, you don't have to do it!

Technically, the monsters in his dungeon were quite weak. The Earth Bear couldn't evolve, but that was because of the mana flow in his Dungeon.

"So, that was an attack and not just some creatures roaming about!" Vitiate glared at the map, there was a spot on the map that was glowing red. This was clearly where the Spider Dungeon was located, he wanted to take it down.

"So, they attacked me in what they believed to be my weak stage, I assume!" Vitiate wasn't stupid, this was the only conclusion he could think of, but he didn't blame them, it was a smart decision.

"These Little Spiders don't know what death is, so I'll play their game!" Vitiate had took the time to learn about his ability when the Goblins went up the Mountain to get the Griffin eggs.

He wasn't sure how, but he found out that his ability to infect was quite special. When he infected someone, all he had to do before infecting them was to imagine what creature he wanted them to look like. This included abilities as well, he was in total control of all of that.

The thing is, he had to think about it before doing it, that was the problem. He could pull an image up of some creature in his head and give it abilities. With that, he could infect someone and that would be their monstrous transformation and traits.

If they infected someone, the person in question, who was infected would take similar traits as them. This meant that he could start a clan within his race if he wanted to, this ability was too amazing! It required thinking and time before he could infect an individual since he had to imagine it first.

The power was stronger if he bit you instead of scratching you. Vitiate wanted to explore the Forest more, but he had a mission and a map now, he had to make preparations!

He didn't want to go back empty-handed, so he went to the location of the corpses. When he went back and looked at the corpses, he saw that they were still there. However, he could see movement next to the bodies, something was gnawing at one of the bodies.

It was the body of the Bearded man since his body wasn't burnt to a crisp!

Vitiate was puzzled and looked closely, he saw a little lizard-like creature that looked like a little ice sculpture. It had blue eye pupils with wings on its back, its mouth was covered in blood.

"Whoaaa~! A Baby Dragon!" Vitiate's eyes contracted, was he seeing things!?

"I have to catch it, I can't let it get away!" This catch was too important! Vitiate still had the Nullifying Hammer on him, so he wasn't empty-handed.

He made his move while invisible, he wanted to knock it over the head and take it away!