Money Calls!

The Baby Ice Dragon gave him a brief suggestion on how to save the Dryad. Vitiate listen closely and felt that it did make sense to use this method to save a cursed individual. The Dryad mother kept talking but Vitiate wasn't paying attention, he just listened to the dragon's voice. She still sounded arrogant with her child-like voice but he still paid attention.

After hearing her suggestion, Vitiate nodded in approval. She had many millenniums worth of knowledge, she was smarter than how she looked and acted. Though her intelligence stat was questionable, she didn't use her intelligence much, this could be why it was so low.

"It looks like I found a solution that can save you from your cursed and terrible predicament. You've been living in this polluted swamp for a while, I'm surprised you and your kids have lived this long."

Everyone knew that Dryads needed good soil, freshwater, and fresh air to survive. Despite not having any of that while being cursed, she was able to survive.

"Excuse me, did you say that there is a way to save me?" Lucy looked at Vitiate with a questioning gaze, she felt that it was impossible at this point.

"There is a way, I can't hang around here long because I have so much to do when I get back." Vitiate nodded and continued. "I can save you with the life element, I can't completely disperse the curses but they'll fade over time as long as I use the life element on you twice a month."

"The Life Element!"

This was a rare element, she had only seen it used once, if anything can save her, it would surely be this element!

"But are you willing to come out here and heal me twice a month? Wouldn't something like this take up too much of your time?" Lucy seemed concerned about this since he seemed in a hurry most of the time.

Vitiate was indeed in a hurry, he had to be prepared when many adventurers came to this island for that event. These people weren't going to be some pushovers, so he had to ready up before then, or else, who knows how things would turn out?

"No way I'm coming out here twice a month to do all of that." Vitiate wasn't going to waste his time coming all the way out here! "That's why you'll be coming with me, you can receive healing and live in better conditions."

"I can't leave the tree for long as it is my last lifeline, I'll die after being detached for a certain amount of time." This tree was a source of life for Lucy, the minute she left the tree, her vitality would start to drop!

"I have the Life element, I can supply you with energy until I give you a healthier tree to attach to. Once you've gotten over your cursed state, you should be good to walk around without a tree, like your kids."

The Life element would act as fuel that would keep her alive, but he would still be burning mana. Vitiate had already wasted about thirty percent of his mana in the previous battle, but his mana was regenerating slowly. This was another concern, he needed to get a skill that regenerated mana, but he had some mana potions on him, so he wasn't worried.

Lucy was enlightened, she didn't know much about this element but she was finding it more amazing every time. Vitiate approached the tree she was attached to, slowly. All of the other monsters with him just watched cautiously for any strange movements.

The Ice Dragon immediately hopped on the DragonRex's back to relax.

"You can come down now, like I said, I'll just keep pumping you with Life Energy." The Dryad kids walked out once they saw Vitiate in front of their mother. They noticed that he had been talking to her and felt more at ease.

Lucy had nothing to lose, so she came down without hesitation. As soon as she removed herself from the tree, her vitality started to drop. Vitiate grabbed her arm as white energy quickly invaded her body, she felt warmth throughout her body that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Okay, let's get out of here!" Just as he said that, the three Corrosion Lizards emerged from the forest.

This scared the Dryad children, as they ran off to hide again. Vitiate could see that they had some scars on them, while one seemed to have frost on it.

The Baby Ice Dragon quickly removed the chilling frost from its body. Apparently, one of the men they were pursuing could use Ice attacks. Lucy called all of her children over to board the DragonRex, there were a total of ten Dryad kids.

The Baby Ice Dragon stayed on the DragonRex's back, she didn't like so many people sitting in her personal space. The Kobold Knight sat on top of a Corrosion Lizard and so did Stella. Vitiate also got on a Corrosion Lizard, but he sat on it with Lucy, who he had to keep healing on their way back to the Dungeon.

From what the Corrosion Lizards said, they manage to wound some of the escaping humans badly. Sadly, they were able to get away using some sort of device the blue-haired man had. Vitiate wasn't familiar with this blue-haired man, so he didn't think too much about the details.

The other Goblins walked to the Dungeon, they didn't ride on the Corrosion Lizards fast, so they could keep up. About an hour later, they arrived at the Dungeon, Lucy was stunned, she knew this was a Dungeon, but why here?

"Yes, I'm a Dungeon Master, so I can create a space for you to dwell in, don't worry, what I said still stands." Vitiate hurriedly and explained, he didn't want her feeling uncomfortable and stack up her already stressed state.

"..." Lucy remained silent.

Once Vitiate entered his Dungeon, it looked the same as always on the first and second floor, where were the monsters he had caught? Vitiate warped to the twenty-first floor with both Dragons and the Dryads. The Kobolds and Goblins from before just went back to the second floor, where their home was.

Once they arrived on the twenty-first floor, they could immediately feel the mana on the floor. They were shocked how beautiful it was here, it was like a paradise they could only see in their dreams!

"It so pretty, is this our new home, mom?"

"I wanna live over there, it's full of pretty flowers!"

"So many nice trees, I love it here!"

Before Lucy could say anything, the kid Dryads ran off into the tropical forest. They loved to play the most if they could, and this forest looked too beautiful to pass that up.

"Ah, sorry about that, they tend to get overly excited sometimes, hehe." Lucy quickly apologized for her children's behavior.

"Oh, no, I have no problem with what they're doing, they just act how normal kids would act. This is actually a good sign that they're still happy and playful."

Vitiate didn't mind kids, he actually liked seeing kids enjoy themselves, they should be happy.


Vitiate flew off into the forest carrying Lucy, he took her to a large tree within the forest. This tree was the biggest on this floor and had allot of mana circulating in the area around it. Lucy's body was so fragile, that he was afraid that she might break under his grip!

"What a beautiful tree, the mana in this area is so strong! I never would have thought that after struggling every day that this opportunity would come." Lucy wanted to cry with joy, but she was, of course, dried out.

Lucy attached herself to the tree with what Vitiate might describe as a joyous expression. Honestly, he couldn't tell because her face was so dried out and wrinkly, if anything, it looked like a smile of horror!

Vitiate didn't speak his thoughts and cast a healing pulse on her, then boosted her with Life energy. He had to drink a mana potion on his way here, since he was continuously using mana to keep her strong.

"This is the first term healing session, I'll insert more Life energy into you two weeks from now." Vitiate would need to insert her with Life Energy every 2 weeks for her to recover.

"I can't thank you enough, mainly for giving my children such a good chance at a good life. Is there anything I can do for you to make this up?"

Lucy's weak and old voice came over, but it was the words he wanted to hear the most!

"Well, I would like you to join my Dungeon, like before, it will be a good place for your kids to survive and even you yourself."

Vitiate could see his acting proficiency rising, it was already close to Level 4!

Lucy nodded without even saying anything, she didn't have the energy to say much. Vitiate brought his force over her, and she accepted.

[Ding! 1 Sentient being has joined your Dungeon!]

[1 Dryad Quasi Queen has been added to your ranks!]

[Congratulations, you've earned 160,000 Dp with your recruitment of one ???-tier Raced Being!]

Vitiate was secretly happy, he needed to find a chance to explore the Glacial Zone and the deeper parts of Dread forest. There were too many monsters out there that needed to be caught by him, they were all points!

Moments later, Vitiate gathered the little Dryad kids and added them as well. There were ten of them, and each of them gave him 20,000 Dungeon Points each! They had brown and black rot growing on them around their arms, legs, and even their necks.

Vitiate didn't worry about it because they would heal up in this healthy space, so it wouldn't be on their bodies for long. Fortunately, they weren't cursed like their mom, the person who cursed her didn't attack the children.

"I'm back on the map already, I can only imagine the points I'll get from forcing the other monsters!"

Vitiate had 372,100 Dungeon Points just from the Dryads, it was no telling how much he was going to make once he forced the others to submit!

Suddenly, Lily appeared before Vitiate once he was done with the Dryad Kids. Lily quickly became fond of them, they seemed like they would be good playmates for her.

"Lily, where are the rest of the monsters? I think you know what needs to be done!"

Lily came to herself and began to explain that she changed the thirteenth floor. She turned the thirteenth floor into a jail floor to hold all the monsters. They were thrown into separate jail cells until the Dungeon Master returned.

Some tried to resist, but they were beaten!

Vitiate was speechless, but it was effective! With that, he warped to the thirteenth floor, it was just as she described. The Orcs, Ogre, and Kobolds were watching the locked up monster closely. There was even a giant cage that held the Cyclops, he laid on the ground holding his chest.

"The Dungeon Lord has returned!"

Vitiate was quickly greeted by the other monster residence of his Dungeon.

"Good, you've watched over the prisoners, I think you guys know what it's time to do!"

Vitiate grinned at the monsters and they grinned right back.

"It's time to beat these guys into submission, I can already see the money!"