The Week's Past Events!

In our current time, a week had already gone and passed. Allot had happened over the week, he spent some his time training his new skills. Vitiate checked on the Ogres and found that they both knew an element each. He didn't need to know what element they were training in, since he had seen them playing with their respective element after they evolved.

The Female Ogre was training with the Fire element, while the male practiced with Lightning. Vitiate didn't want them to know the same element as one another, he wanted them to have different skills for coverage purposes.

Thankfully, Skill books didn't cost much, well, it depended on the skill book you were trying to buy. Vitiate asked them what was the second element they would like to learn, but he advised them that it was best to choose something to cover each other when they fought an enemy.

The Female Ogre was interested in the Water element, while the male was interested in the Wood element. This was perfect for the two, he had the Lightning Element and the Wood Element, along with her Fire and Water element synergy.

Water sped up the growth and strength of the Wood Element, while water and electricity worked well together. Next, he had gone to help Nina and Stella, he bought a class from the system for them.

Stella became an Elemental Archer, while Nina Became an Elemental Pugilist!

Everyone was surprised at first to see that the Dragon had become human. What was worse, she had a big mouth that never seem to stop running! Vitiate taught the Dryad kids and Lily a new game called Infection and hide and seek.

They seemed to like the game infection more, once you caught someone, they would help you catch the other players. He also went to check on the skeletons he had in seclusion, they were done much faster than the Ogres. This was because they didn't need to take a break, eat or drink, they were dead, so they could hang around the tablet 24/7.

Much to Vitiate surprise, he could control what path he wanted them to take. He had one of the Skeletons take the path to DeathKnight, Lich, and a DeathReaper. They soon started to visibly change once he chose their path.

The Skeleton that was taking the Lich path changed into a Death Enhancer, it was something he couldn't buy from the system! It could control Skeletons and the death element. It wasn't a necromancer, so it sadly couldn't summon Skeletons yet. Much to Vitiate's delight, it was an Enhancer Grade 3.

He found some information out recently, once any Enhancer reached the Caster level, they would be given a Class Type. For example, if a Fire Enhancer, who trained in nothing but fire were to become a caster, he would be given the Class type of Pyromancer.

This was the same for Ice, they would become a Cryomancer and so on. This would only appear in their status if they reached Caster, though. If you had two elements that you were training in, which wasn't common by any means, you'd be called a Duomancer!

As for the Skeleton that took the Path to a DeathReaper, it turned into a Deathsickl'ist. It wore a dark robe that covered its whole body, its face that should be seen from the opening in its hood wasn't present. All anyone could see was darkness in the hoodie's opening, with no bone face present at all.

The only reason anyone could tell that it wasn't human from afar, was because of its Aura and its bony hands gripping the Sickle. Other than that, you might be fooled if you weren't sharp enough. This Creature was based on deceit anyway, it could suppress its Death Aura and use a Camouflage skill.

It also mimicked human voices to lure in unsuspecting people to slay. This monster was rare, but once this monster was known to be in an area, many people would gather to try and slay such a dangerous Undead. It usually hid in forest or jungles, its favorite spot was against trees where most people always walked passed, that's when you'll get ambushed.

Then there was the DeathKnight path Skeleton, it was different from typical Skeletons. Mainly because of its armor and Skeletal color, which was jet black. Another notable feature was the eye pupils in its sockets, they burned far brighter than the average skeleton and skeleton warrior.

The armor it wore was light armor and black in coloration, it always exuded Kill Aura! Killing intent always loomed around this undead, it seemed to be ready to kill all life that it met. Always hating, always wanting to kill, always looking for a victim. These were the emotions Vitiate could only describe coming from this thing.

It was called a DeathEnforcer!

They couldn't talk now, but he was 100% sure that they would be able to in the future.

Vitiate checked a video out of his previous Stronghold Battle, he found that he relied on his elemental abilities too much. Thus, he started to train with his weapon more, he even started to train in martial arts.

The Phoenix was coming to visit today, and he already knew she was going to bombard him with questions.

Vitiate sighed, why was everyone so nosy?

He also had a full conversation with the Dwarves, they were pretty nice guys once you got to know them. Apparently, they were originally caught by humans, but soon after, they were attacked by Lizardmen. They killed the humans and took them as prisoners to make weapons for them.

They knew Vitiate wasn't human, or something anything they had seen before, but they didn't bother to ask. Dwarves were pretty friendly with other races, like elves, demihumans, and even some humans. There were gnomes as well, but they usually hid themselves from the world.

On the third day after capturing the Prisoners of War, the Leaders finally caved under the harsh beatings and conditions. Vitiate was surprised that they had lasted this long, they had some pretty strong wills to hang on until that point.

They were stationed on separate floors depending on their race, soon after.

At this time, Vitiate was training alone with several different weapons. He made sure that from now on, he was going to keep that nullifying hammer on him at all times. At first, he just kept it in a cave on the 22nd floor, but he remembered what it could do, so he decided to keep it in his storage.

Beep Beep!

[Dungeon Intruder, Black Alert!]

Vitiate looked up, it was only one person that could give off a black alert that he knew of. Vitiate looked at the Virtual Screen, it was just as he expected, the Phoenix had shown up! She danced around the traps on the first with a smile on her face, did she think she was a princess?

Did she think his traps were a joke!?

Vitiate's mouth twitched, then he warped to the first floor.

"Oh? I was wondering when you would show up, is this how you treat your lovely guess?" Diana chuckled and looked Vitiate in the eyes, directly.

"Maybe you should set a time for when you'll show up and tell me while you're at it. Don't just show up at random parts of the day, how can I greet and prepare for anyone like that?"

"Ah, whatever, let's just head to that nice lava floor you had last time." Diana ignored Vitiate's somewhat complaining manner and changed the subject.

He didn't bother to talk about it anymore and warped himself and her to the 14th floor.

"I love that, I can never get tired of that jump, it sort of like the space element." Diana walked over the already present seats in the area and sat down.

"Glad to see that you're enjoying your stay so far!" She went to take a seat like she owned the place, who did she think she was!? Of course, he wasn't going to say that to her, it might be dangerous to say too much.

"Thank you! Come, have a seat, I want to talk to you about a few things." Diana looked around and continued "Oh, and where is that cute little Demi-Human, could you summon her as well?"

"Look here, I'm not your errand boy, she is busy training so not right now." Vitiate's whole face squinted, as he looked at Diana with some annoyance.

"That isn't the way to talk to someone you owe, is it?" Diana grinned and looked Vitiate in the eyes again. He noticed that she had a strange habit of looking people in the eyes, it made him a little wary at times, as if she was looking right through him.

"Owe? What do I owe you for? If anything, you owe me, right?" Was she trying to tax him because his Dungeon was on her 'territory.'

"Hmmm..." Diana's eyebrow lifted like the rock as she spoke again. "You were quite loud last week in that little war you had with the Reptilemen. I'm surprised he didn't come out do to all the ruckus in his territory, you should consider yourself fortunate."

Vitiate was puzzled, who was this person she was talking about?

"You seemed confused, I'll tell you more if you bring me that DemiHuman and some tea." Diana stretched, she had a fire symbol in the middle of her forehead this time around.

Vitiate wanted to know more, he needed to know about all things that could threaten him. He send a message to Lily to bring Nina to the 14th floor. Within a minute of sending his message, a wormhole appeared, as Nina jumped out of it.

Nina didn't even get a chance to breathe or look around when a suction force pulled at her.

"Ah!" Nina was stunned, but she soon landed in the arms of Diana.

"It's okay little one, you know I wouldn't hurt my little cute foxy girl." Diana pulled on Nina's cheeks and patted her head.

"S-sister Diana!" Nina's once stunned feeling turned into that of joy.

Vitiate's face turned a bit ugly seeing them get along, but it quickly turned back to normal as if nothing had happened. Lily was also present, she put the tea on the table, as Diana started to warm her own tea up with Nina on her lap!

"Okay, she's here, you can tell me about this person now." Vitiate wasn't in the mood to drink any tea, so he pushed it aside. Diana put up her index finger, indicating him to wait, while she sipped her tea.

'Just you wait, once I get strong enough, you're gonna feel the pain!' Vitiate's face still had a smile on it, but his thoughts were completely different.

"Phew, this tea is amazing, does this Dungeon generate tea like this? If you were to sell this stuff, you'd probably make a killing!" Honestly, she couldn't get enough of this tea, it was unlike anything she had tasted before.

'It's just normal lemon Ice tea!' He thought it wasn't anything special. This was normal tea back in his world, it was better cold in his opinion.

"Ahem.. Just a second, let me do this first." Diana sat her tea down and started to play with Nina's ears. Nina couldn't help but blush, Vitiate had already gauged and figured out Nina's personality.

Nina was the silent and shy type, who didn't talk much unless talked to, but even then, she wouldn't say much. Vitiate frowned, she was clearly doing this on purpose, if he had the strength, he would have knocked this Phoenix over the head by now!

"Hehe! That tickles, sister Diana!" Nina giggled with red cheeks, as her tail wagged back and forth, she looked like she was enjoying the little massage.

Vitiate stared at the Phoenix, his face was filled with annoyance, but he didn't say anything. What was the true goal of this Phoenix, he understood her curiosity, but to visit him every week? This seemed a bit too much!

"Oh my, your boss doesn't look too happy, just look at those mean eyes!" Diana pointed at Vitiate, then Nina looked up at him. "If you ever have a hard time with this bad boss, you can come live with me, I'll never mistreat my lovely little Nina!"

Diana was clearly joking, but Nina didn't know that.

"No, Mr. Vitiate treats me the best, he trains me, and gives me nice clothes, and tasty food!" Nina was shaking her head as she said these things.

"Hmm, Vitiate? You've never told me your name, but I guess I've never told you mine either, huh?"

Diana wanted to question his name on why it was so, but she didn't think about it so much. His name was based around lowering the population, or at least, taking it over! This was only for his area, and not the whole world, he didn't want to rule the world.

"What I wanted to tell you about is the Being that rules over the Swamp Zone. The Being resides in the Dark Tavern, you've taken one of his subordinates into this Dungeon. But, he already banished that Cyclops, so there isn't anything to worry about. However, he might retaliate if he wants to take him back."

She wanted to see the fear in Vitiate's face, so he could ask her for help. Sadly, his face never changed, he just listened closely.

"You refer to it as a Being, but it's still a monster. What type of Monster is it?"

"It's a True Titan, but he sleeps most of the time, so he won't be coming out of that tavern no time soon." Everything she said was to scare Vitiate, he always had the same expressionless face, what would she think if she knew this was just an act?

"Well, that's a relief, I don't want my Dungeon being attacked by something of that level while I'm away."

"Huh? While you're away? Are you going to gather materials to relocate your Dungeon?" Diana was surprised, he was leaving this fast?

"No, I'm going to spend some time in the human Village to investigate and learn more.