Troublesome Guards!

The red armored man scanned Vitiate and the rest, he was easily able to recognize Rigor and his party. However, Vitiate was a face he hadn't seen before, but he couldn't be bothered to check, so he had someone else do it for him. The man signaled a couple of his men to inspect the approaching group by waving his hand.

With that, two blue-armored men halted the group.

"Well, well, if it isn't our little nooby adventurers, did you finally succeed in a mission, haha!" Both men laughed mockingly, they both knew the skill level of this party, which was quite low.

"We don't want any trouble, we just want to get back into town and do what we have to as adventurers." Zelman put both his hands up to let them know that it was okay and that they didn't want any problems.

"You don't want trouble? Okay, but what if I want trouble, what can you do about it?" One of the guards sneered and drew his sword out. He quickly waved it threateningly at Zelman's face with a grin on his face.

"Waving your sword in a threatening manner towards members affiliated with the guild can be deemed as a crime. I wonder what the guild master would say to guards causing us so much trouble just to pass by and turn in a mission?"

Lucas's plumped face smiled, in his mind, he was plotting something.

"W-what? Don't get full of yourself you damn fatass, you're just some lowly F+ Adventurer! Do you think the Guild Master would care for such weaklings!?" The Guard felt the urge to smack Lucas, this wasn't the first time he spoke out like this.

"Calm down, he's right. Let's not cause any unnecessary trouble for these losers, it's not like they'll ever become big-time rankers anyway." The other guard didn't think their group could amount to anything, they'll die soon or reach their limit in rank.

To be promoted to certain ranks as an adventurer, one would need to go through a combat assessment. The person set for the promotion would have to fight someone of a certain level in order to rise in rank.

"Alrighty then, open the gate as a good guard should, you should also have a free service that allows you guards to carry our stuff. Don't look at me like that, it's your privilege to hold my belongings, better yet, you should carry me on your back!"

Lucas smiled cunningly and gave a ridiculous demand!

"You fat bastard, don't push it or I'll crush you like a pig!" The first guard was nearly pushed to the hard way hearing Lucas's demand. Vitiate almost let out a chuckle when he heard what Lucas was saying.

He believed they should be carried through the gate, did he wanna break someone's back!?

"Ahahahaha! That would be great, a bunch slave guards carrying our luggage, how amazing would that be!?" Zelman burst into wild laughter, he couldn't control himself like Rigor and Vitiate, whose faces remained unchanged.

The two guard's faces turned slightly red from anger. "You three better get out of here before three new bodies get added to the dead pool of villagers!" One of the guards turned and waved at the Gatekeeper to open the gate.

Just when they were stepping forward, they spoke again.

"Hold it right there, you guys can go but we need to inspect this new guy, hehe!" If they couldn't make trouble for them, then what about their friend?

"Are you a foreigner or something, what is with that black hair and eyes, you might be a primordial Demon or something!" One of the guards started ranting and making assumptions about Vitiate.

"He isn't a demon, you can feel his Aura and easily deduct that he's human! You're just trying to cause trouble, you petty guards!" It couldn't be any more clear at this point, it was obvious what they were trying to do.

"Ha! This is our job as guards, now you, turn around and put your hands on your head! You better comply or we'll have to use deadly force!" The Guard grinned and pointed his sword at Vitiate's face.

"That isn't what you're supposed to do, you guys have an orb that can check these things! I'm filing a complaint on you shitty good for nothing guards, let's see how long you keep your jobs!" Lucas didn't back down, he hated these unreasonable things.

"You fat blob, I would have mistaken you for a slime if you didn't have such a big mouth! Scram back to the guild and mind your damn business! And you, turn around and place your hands on your head, I won't say it again!"

The man screamed as saliva splurted everywhere!

"Are you guards stupid, you can clearly feel that I'm human but you like to play these games and jokes like little kids. If I was a monster, I wouldn't bother coming to the front door for inspection, I would just sneak into town."

This was what Monsters would do, why would they take the front door to be inspected? They were doing this to prove a point, and that the guards of this town shouldn't be taken lightly by anyone.

Sadly, they were using Vitiate as a test subject for this, there were rarely any newcomers that came here, so he was perfect, along with him being 'friends' with this annoying group of adventures.

"W-what did you say, you dare to defy the best-armed guards of Sir Great Noble!? Prepare to die you peasant fool!"

Without warning, the guard flung out his sword in a stabbing gesture, meaning to kill him! Rigor shook his head, he seemed to have understood something. Zelman and Lucas were in disbelief, they couldn't believe he was going to be killed like this!

But this was Vitiate we were talking about, the guard's movements looked slow to him. He easily dodged the stab with a sidestep and grabbed the guard's wrist. Afterward, he elbowed the Guard's stabbing arm, then quickly brought over his fist to punch the guard in the mouth. Finally, he quickly shot a palm at his chest, knocking him several feet away.

"AHHHHHH!" The sound of clanking metal could be heard, some of the guard's teeth could also be seen flying out of his mouth! Lucas and Zelman's mouths dropped, as their eyes followed the flying body of the guard.

"How dare you attack a gate guard, you'll have to pay for that!?" The other guard was about to draw his sword, but Vitiate raised his leg and put his foot on the hilt of the sword to prevent him from drawing it.

"Y-you! Do you have any idea what you're doing?" The guard was angry beyond belief, he was really gunning to kill this time!

"...." Vitiate said nothing, he just looked the guard in the face, like he was looking at an idiot. This only made the guard angrier, he could see the contempt in Vitiate's eyes!

"Hey! What's going on over here, how dare you attack the guard of Goa Village!?" Several other guards came over, while some helped the guard that was sent flying. Sadly, he fainted from Vitiate's last strike, leaving a dented handprint in his armor!

They all drew their swords, while some came over on horses with spears in their hands.

"Arrest this man and throw him in jail!" A man in Dark Blue Armor looked at Vitiate's storage ring and continued. "Take his storage ring as well, he must have stolen that from the Nobleman of the Fel'nir House!"

The Dark Blue armored man's eyes were filled with greed. Usually, people carried storage bags, but to see a storage ring was rare in itself, how could he not feel an urge to have it? He had seen it on nobles, but a mere commoner had it, this was his chance to earn big.

"Are you guys serious!? We won't settle for low lives ganging up and framing someone!" Zelman quickly drew his Rapier, while Lucas began to charge up his 'SuperDuper fireball.'

Rigor's face turned cold, he hated these types of people the most. He rarely spoke, but this was the final line of what he could handle and see.

"What? You guys are his accomplices, you won't be spared either, we'll explain this to the Guildmaster. I'm sure he'll understand in the noble's name, we'll just reward him with his storage ring and all will be settled, hahaha!!"

A gloating and Sinister grin appeared on the Dark Blue armored guard's face, the man in red armor just watched from afar with a strange smile.

'It looks like I'll have to kill on my first day, how sad, but they've chosen their own deaths. Humans in this world aren't the smartest, it seems!' Just when Vitiate was about to pull out his weapon, a wind kicked up and blew the guards away!

At that moment, a giant shadow appeared in the sky and slowly descended where the guards once were. It was a Dragon of some sort, to be exact, it was a Wind Wyvern that was cyan in color. Two powerful Aura's could be felt, one from the Wyvern but another was coming from the Wyvern as well.

No, there was someone on the Wyvern's back!

The man in the Red Armor's face turned pale when he saw the figure on the Wyvern.

The person that appeared on the Wyvern's back was a woman, she had pure white hair. She wore an armored dress with a skirt which was pure white, she had black leggings on with only her chest having armor covering it.

She had a fashion armor corset on!

Lucas, Rigor, Zelman, and even Vitiate were shocked! This woman was so powerful, her Aura flooded the area, making it hard for the other guards to breathe, they were basically being choked out!

The woman had her eyes closed at first, but she suddenly opened them to reveal her sapphire blue eyes. She glared coldly at the group of guards but still remained silent. Vitiate felt like this woman was the complete opposite of what he looked like and was.

She was a woman but he was a man, she had white hair but he had black hair, she had blue eyes but he had red eyes.

She was the polar opposite!

"Ah! Madam Lissandra, you've returned from the Black Zone, it has almost been 5 months!" The Red armored man walked over and spoke in a respectful tone compared to his usual arrogant behavior.

"Your men were trying to frame and steal from someone else, is this what the guards do for this town?" The woman's face remained unchanged, she didn't even look at the red armored man, as she closed her eyes again.

"No, no, it was all a misunderstanding! You idiots, get over here and tell her your sorry or you'll be hanging from the gallows!" The Red armored man hollered at the men sprung out on the ground, they all quickly got up to apologize!

"You should be saying your apology to him, not me. You should do your regular procedure and check and see if he is a Demon or not." She still remained sitting cross-legged on the dragon's back with her eyes close.

They all quickly apologized to Vitiate, which caused his lips to twitch, they had done a complete one-eighty in personality! One of the guards quickly check Vitiate and found that he was human, as said earlier.

"Haha! Look at you cowards! I bet if a Giant appeared, he would be able to sneak by a bunch of ass clowns like you guys!" Lucas said a few parting words before walking off, some of the guards really wish to tackle Lucas and kick him to death, he always had something to say!

"I'm not satisfied yet!" Vitiate suddenly made a move, he turned into a blur and send a kick towards the Dark Blue armored man's face, sending him flying upside down into the forest screaming. The scene looked pretty comical, as his voice slowly faded into the forest!

"!?" The red armored man was silently pissed, but he held it in. Vitiate didn't stop there, he swung his weapon at the other guard's face, which had reverted back into a pole at this point. The man was shocked, he wanted to run, but Vitiate was way too fast for him.


"Agh! My nose, you broke my nose!!" The guard fell to the ground and started rolling in the dirt holding his bleeding and dislocated nose.

"...." The woman still showed no change, but Lucus and Zelman were loving the sight of this beating. Vitiate could feel killing intent coming from the man in red armor, but he ignored him.

"Phew, you guys should thank her, I almost killed all of you guys here, that wouldn't have been good. Well, I could have just blamed it on a monster attack, this would surely work, yeah, that could work."

Vitiate nodded thoughtfully, a monster attack would be the perfect excuse for so many dead people at the front gate.




Everyone was speechless, Vitiate spoke about killing a whole guard platoon so casually!

"This guy is amazing, I knew I made the right choice by picking him up off the road!" Lucas felt a sense of pride seeing Vitiate put the guards in their place.

"Idiot! Who did you pick off the road, he was busy saving your sorry fat ass!" Zelman was about to slap the back of Lucas's head, but he did his weird roll move and appeared at Vitiate's back.

"You were awesome, bro!"

"Sometimes you just gotta put people in their place." Vitiate then looked at the woman on the Wyvern's back.

"Thanks for your help, you done me some good justice today, it felt good beating the evil guards of the is town." Vitiate thanked the woman for her help, if she didn't say anything, he would have had to start killing on his first day!

Evil Guards!?


Do you think you're a hero, fuck you!

The Guards silently cursed Vitiate, they didn't have the audacity to say it out loud after seeing his combat prowess, he seemed to not care who he beats, even if it was in public!

"No need, you weren't in the wrong and was merely defending yourself, as all should do." She finally opened her eyes to scanned Vitiate. Her eyebrows wrinkled a bit, but she still smiled soon after.

Though he went a little overboard with them, she didn't mind it since they were trying to send him to ruin. Vitiate nodded and walked through the gate to follow Rigor and his party. Lissandra stared at Vitiate's back, it was no telling what she was thinking.