Purchasing Slaves!

Judging from the outside of the building, it had two floors to it, maybe even three. There was a sign outside of the shop that stated that there was a sale going on. Vitiate thought slavery wasn't anything good, but they could still be used if it was permitted.

It wasn't like he could change the system, it would only get the humans in deeper trouble later with other races. Vitiate entered the shop without taking in too much of the details, he spotted this shop yesterday on his way to the Guild for the very first time.

The shop was well organized with clean wooden floors that looked like they got washed every day. At this time, there was a middle-aged man behind the counter, he looked up once he heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh? I take it you've come to purchase some slaves, if so, you've come to the right place! We have some sales going on today, so you're in luck!" The middle man grinned, he was missing several teeth with a few gold teeth to replace other teeth.

"Of course, I want to see what you have, so show me the goods! I don't have much time, so quickly show me to them!" Vitiate put on a new personality with this identity, he couldn't act the same as his actual self, obviously.

"Haha! How much are you willing to spend?" The Middle age man didn't seem to mind Vitiate's tone.

"Show me everything you got, it depends on what you have." He didn't give him a direct answer and avoided answering the question.

"Ha! Fair enough, right this way!" The man waved his hand and led Vitiate deeper inside the shop. Soon, they came to some stairs that led downward, Vitiate paused and looked around in suspense.

"Customer, this way, it isn't anything out of place, this is where the lesser slaves are located." Vitiate nodded and followed behind him, as they descended downstairs, a horrible pungent smell bombard their noses.

"Goodness!" Vitiate's face scrunched under the mask from the smell, he hadn't smelled anything like this in a while. He had always made sure his Goblins and monsters stayed clean or there would be consequences for them.

"Hehe, yeah, I still have to clean up a few things down here, sorry about that." The man scratched his head with embarrassment, not many people would settle for lower slaves.

"...." Vitiate didn't say anything, as the man continued to guide him downstairs. Eventually, they came to a door, once it was opened by the man, a nose burning smell leaked out!

The room was filled with many large cages with lifeforms in them, Vitiate really hated dirty and smelly environments. "Sorry again for the smell, I hope this doesn't stave you away from buying any slaves!"

The man bowed slightly while looking at him, Vitiate had stopped to look around, so he was a bit worried. Vitiate didn't answer the man and began to analyze the beings locked inside the cages. The man didn't try to say anymore or stop Vitiate, this only showed the man that he hadn't lost interest.

Vitiate finally understood why these slaves here could be thought of as lowly or useless, it was because they were either wounded, disabled, or dying!

"I guess you understand by now, yes, they aren't in the greatest condition, so their value isn't high." The man said suddenly, he could see Vitiate running over all the cages with his head motions.

"Where's the humanity in you? I believe it makes more sense to take care of the slaves to ensure they sold at a higher price, don't you think? Instead, they're in cages suffering and waiting for death, this isn't the way business is conducted!"

The salesman was a bit surprised hearing Vitiate's words but he quickly spoke afterward. "Sir, I didn't do this to them, they came to me like this. These are usually the slaves that were resisting until the end and ended up getting hurt in the process. They come and sell them to me and I buy them, I'm the one losing money trying to keep these guys alive."

The man explained briefly for Vitiate to understand, it was out of his control and he didn't have the money to really help some of them. Vitiate understood, most of these slaves were missing limbs and were even crippled further.

This wasn't hard for him to figure out with his Appraisal Skill.

Vitiate only nodded and looked over all the slaves, he felt like he could heal them with potions or even his power. Two Slaves stuck out to Vitiate when he first entered the room, it was because of their features and they gave him a look when he walked in.

They were both males, one had brown skin with black hair and long pointy ears. Sadly, he was missing an eye and one of his hands. Vitiate could see that this man was a Dark Elf, his face was scratched up pretty badly from who knows what.

The other man had grayish-black skin, he also had pointy ears with silver eyes and white hair. This man was missing his whole arm, it even showed from his status that he didn't even have a tongue! The man's race was a Drow, Vitiate could feel hatred coming from this man but it wasn't pointed towards him or the man in the room with him.

Drows were closely related to Dark Elves, but Drows liked to hide and live in dark places. They weren't fans of the daylight, it wasn't like they couldn't go out into it, they just didn't like it. This could be due to their eyes, they may have some sort of problem dealing with the sunlight if it reflected in their eye sockets.

"The Dark Elf and the Drow, how much are you selling these two for?" Vitiate asked as he kept his eyes on the Drow.

"Despite them being useless, they're still worth quite the penny! Can you handle it?" The salesman grinned and asked

"Just tell me." Vitiate said bluntly.

"They're both going for 200 Gold coins each, can you pay that much?" The man asked with concern. Vitiate had recently exchanged a bar of Gold out for coins, but the bar of gold was high karat gold and big in size, so Vitiate got a lot from it.

"Okay, I'll buy every slave in this room to save you some trouble, that should come with some sort of discount, right?" Vitiate finally turned to the man whose face turned to that of shock, then it turned into pure joy!

"Are you serious, you want to buy every slave in this room? Am I hearing things right now!?" The man was so happy to hear this. This was mainly because the guild and some adventurers were trying to boycott his shop, this was why a sale was going on. The chances of it happening were pretty high, so he wanted to make as much money as he could before then.

"I don't lie! Does it come with some sort of discount deal since this is the case?" Even the slaves in the room were shocked, the able slave looked at Vitiate deeply, what was he going to do with all of them?

"Yes, Yes, of course, you get the best deal I can dish out, this is the best sale I'm probably going to have ever!" The man went to get his assistance to help him, they were 2 strong men that were working here part-time from the village.

They were going to get the slave out of the cages and bring them up. At this time, Vitiate was at the counter checking them out. There were even gnomes amongst the slaves which was really rare, they were a race that was so hard to find and locate.

Vitiate paid 1,650 Gold coins for all the slaves in that room! The slaves couldn't resist or go against their masters since the slave collar would put them in check if they did. Some of the slaves couldn't walk and had disabled legs, so they had to be carried by the two-part timers.

The Drow and the Dark Elf came up on their own with a few other slaves that could walk. The batch of slaves mainly consisted of males with two female dwarves that looked like little girls, but they were already grown women!

The Dwarf males looked like grown men even if they were kids, while the females looked like little girls even if they were grown women! They had crippling issues like all of the other slaves in some way, one was deaf while the other was blind!

'Got a lot to work to do but it all can be cured.' Vitiate was confident he could heal these messed up people, so he wasn't worried.

Some of the slaves were worried, why would someone by crippled slaves? Was he some sort of maniac who wanted to conduct some experiments on them? Some of the slaves silently started to panic, this didn't help with the way Vitiate was dressed.

"It looks like your lives have all changed for the better, you won't have to sit around and rot away slowly, but he might be able to help you guys!" The middle-aged wasn't really concerned if they got help or not, they were finally out his hair while he earned some good cash for them!

The salesman adjusted their collars by switching their new master over to Vitiate from himself. The Dark Elf glared at the salesman, but he didn't say anything. Vitiate noticed that all the slaves were silent and never said one word to each other or him.

"What's wrong with them, are they all mutes or something?" Vitiate asked.

"Ah, I forgot, the last command I gave them all was to shut up and not talk, this is why they can't speak. But you're their new master now, so you can command them to talk of their free will."

"Oh? You all can talk now, if that's what you want to do." He immediately commanded.

"You!! Where is my sister, return her to me now!" The Dark Elf hollered at the salesman who still had a smile on his face.

"Haha! Wild as always, I told you she is up for bidding, so there's nothing you and I can do!" The salesman shrugged, it wasn't his problem, but he was going to make some good money off of her.

"You better watch your back in the future, because if I live it'll be the end of you!" Killing intent could be suddenly felt from the Dark Elf, causing the other slaves to back away.


"Oh yeah, elf women are quite the hit and many are bidding for his sister. However, there is only one bidder left that can afford the price now." The Dark Elf man continued to peer at the salesman like was going to attack him at any moment!

"And what would the highest bidding price be?" Vitiate asked curiously.

"For her, it's 2,000 Gold Coins for now but that might change, who knows?" It was a high price, it wasn't so high that adventurers couldn't afford it, but for low ranking adventurers, they would need to save for a while to accumulate the money to buy her.

"Who's trying to buy her?" Hearing the salesman up until this point, the dark elf man was surprised, was this man in black going to buy his sister!?

"That information is confidential, I can't give out the bidders info, sorry!" The middle-aged man looked helpless, it was an iron rule he couldn't break. If stares could kill, this salesman would have died too many times to count from the elf's cold glare alone!

"Okay, I'll bid 3,000 Gold Coins for her, how does that sound?"

"W-what?" The man was stunned, was this guy made of money? "Of course, you can bid, anyone can bid no matter who they are!" The salesman nodded like a chicken pecking grain, he couldn't contain his joy from all of this.

Vitiate paid 3,000 Gold coins and signed his name as Mr. X on the confirmation notice. The man signed some paper and gave it to him as proof.

"I'll be back tomorrow to buy more slaves, so don't sleep on me!" After saying those words, he order the slaves to follow him, some slaves had to be carried by other able slaves.

"Alright, let's go get something to eat, I know a good place around here!"