True Enemy!

The situation was completely unexpected, he had no idea the dragon had this type of ability. Adara turned to him, her cheeks were flushed red at what she just heard, or what she believed she just heard.

"W-w-what did you say just now?" Adara asked with surprise, as she unconsciously put her hand over her butt.

"Haha, what I said was, you have a big and strong physique. I also wish to grope your muscles to see how far you've gone, I have a skill that can test how strong someone is by inspecting their muscles." Vitiate said with a faint smile underneath his mask.

Adara looked at Vitiate carefully, she gave a light harrumph and turned back around to walk as if she hadn't heard anything.

"You little scamp Dragon, don't speak nonsense using my voice!" Vitiate cursed the little dragon in his in mind.

"Ahahaha! This is payback, how do you like those apples?" The dragon laughed wildly, "Besides, she really does have a nice figure, you should hook up with her instead of caring about some stupid bird."

The Dragoness kept chuckling, this was too fun to her. Vitiate only thought that, once he had the chance, he would knock this dragon over the head several times.

Vitiate continued to follow behind her until they reached the restaurant that was close to the door of the mall. Once they entered, the slaves inside that were fixing up the place, turned to them. They all saw that it was their boss and greeted him immediately.

Vitiate spoke and nodded to the slaves, saying that they were doing a good job. The mermaid, who was working at the cash register also greeted them. She had never seen a cash register before, she assumed it was some new human technology.

Sadly, she still didn't know how to use it, she had never learned how. The cash register was attached to a computer screen. Due to it coming from the dungeon, he had adjusted it to work with the currency of this world.

"Boss, you must be here to see Siena, she is in the back continuing her training. She has learned just about everything by now, so she should be back soon." The blue-haired mermaid smiled and said.

"Good, I see you still don't know how to use this cash register. I'll show you how to use it right quick, then you can teach the others how to use it later." Vitiate had already taught Drayden and Levi about all of these things. Their training was important since they ran the casino which would be his biggest moneymaker.

Afterward, he quickly showed her how to use it under the watch of Adara. He was doing this to teach her as well. All the shops had cash registers, but he hadn't taught them how to use them except for the casino workers.

After spending 5 minutes showing the mermaid, she understood but the Adara had a bit of trouble comprehending it. So, he had the mermaid show here while he went to take a seat somewhere.

Vitiate started thinking to himself. Tomorrow, he would open up shop and the day after that, he had to fight for his promotion. Afterward, he would head out with those three adventures from the guild to seize a Dungeon. On the 3rd day, he wanted to raid the spider dungeon, he had to take this thorn out.

On the 4th day, he had to raid the Sharkman's lake. Once he solidified a foundation here and all was settled in Goa village, he could continue with his Dungeon. He had to upgrade his Dungeon as much as he could, so he had raid other parts of Ashefall Island.

Vitiate got up from his seat, Siena was still training, so he opted to just come by later. Before he left, he told the Mermaid to teach everyone in the mall how to use the registers. After inspecting her, he found that her name was called Serenity.

First, he went to the Gnome alchemist shop located on the second floor. The 4 Gnomes had already just about filled the shop with potion and elixirs. The majority of them were potion, as elixirs had a permanent effect.


"Ah, boss, you've returned!" One of the gnomes was rubbing his chin inspecting a potion by the counter when he noticed Vitiate walk through the door quietly. Hearing his words, two other Gnomes looked over right away.

"Yes. I came by to drop off a few things, the mall will be opening tomorrow so I was checking to see your progress as well." Vitiate smiled nodded.

"So fast!" The three gnomes were shocked, they were expecting the mall to open a week later, not this soon.

"Looking at this shop, you guys are actually the fastest, it should be good to open this place." Alchemy was important for improving a person's strength. Alchemist held a high status in the world no matter where they went, there were obviously different grades to an alchemist.

There was currently no alchemy shop in this town, so it was no doubt people would flock to this shop. The Guild sold a few potions, but they usually ran out of stock quickly, sadly, the grade of these potions weren't that high either.

"Yes, we've been working day and night. We've managed to get a lot done with the good material you've provided us!" The gnomes were excited and full of pride. Looking at them now, he could tell, despite working day and night, they were still energetic to do more.

"Perfect, but don't overwork yourselves, this is a rule." Afterward, he took out bundles of material for them to make more potions. Frost spider eyes, Blue leaf clover, Ice Tiger's teeth, and several other ingredients.

"With these materials, I need you to make some Ice and Cold Resistance potion. You guys should have a few Cold and Ice Resistance potions from this spare time you've been given." Vitiate handed them some material before to make cold and Ice resistance potions, but they weren't as good of quality as the items he was giving out now.

The Gnomes took the material with shakey hands, due to excitement, they seem to be eager to make potions. "Yes, yes, we've got a few here, we also have some poison resistance potion and splash potions." One of the gnomes ran behind the counter and brought over a box, while another Gnome brought over another box.

Both Gnomes opened the covers at the same time. The Ice and Cold potion resistance box cave off a fragrant smell of blue raspberries, the potion bottles had light blue liquid inside, while some were dark blue.

|Name: Ice Potion (Consumable)

|Grade: Common 🤍

|Type: Defensive

|Level of Ice Resistance: +1

|Description: Resistant to Ice to some degree, the effect lasts for 1 hour.

|Name: Cold Potion (Consumable)

|Grade: Common 🤍

|Type: Defensive

|Level of Cold Resistance: +1

|Description: Resistant to Cold environments to some degree, the effect lasts for 1 hour.

Vitiate already had some built-in resistance to Ice due to the Ice dragon in his earlier days, but when it came to weather conditions, it was different.

"These Potions are such low-quality goods, aren't these gnomes kinda useless?" The Dragon took one looked at the potions and knew the quality of them.

"I gave them low ingredients last time for these potions, so it makes sense. With the items I just gave them, they should be able to make better potions." Vitiate corrected and said. He didn't care, he was glad they were successful at making the potions.

Each box had 24 potions in them, while the Frost Box had 12 Ice and Cold Potions each. The Other box consisted of poisonous potions.

Vitiate quickly inspected them.

|Name: Anti-Toxin Potion (Consumable)

|Grade: Rare 💚

|Type: Defensive

|Level of Poison Resistance: +1

|Level of Corrosion Resistance: +3

|Description: Resistant to Poison and Corrosion to a decent degree, these effects will last for 1 hour.

|Name: Corrosion Potion (Splash)

|Grade: Rare 💚

|Type: Offensive

|Level of Poison Infliction: +2

|Level of Corrosion Infliction: +3

|Description: This Corrosive Potion will explode upon contact against a target. Corrosive damage will increase against a target by 8% if they're directly hit.

"Not bad!" The dragon looked over the potions in each of Vitiate's hands, he had just picked them up from the other box to inspect. He needed Cold and Ice potions for the Ice Dungeon he was going to raid with the 3 adventurers.

As for these Poison potions, he needed them to fend off against those spiders in the Dungeon he wanted to raid later. Vitiate was very happy to see these potions, they were rare grade at that! The Splash Potion had to be covered due to the horrible toxic fumes it would give off.

Vitiate thanked the Gnomes before putting the boxes into his storage ring, the shop was nearly filled up with different types of potions and Elixir, which made him feel like things would be much more successful.

Afterward, he quickly left the shop and hurriedly over to see the dwarf sister. He walked into the shop and didn't see them.

Clank... Clank

The sound of metal being hit could be heard in the back. Vitiate didn't even need to look, he knew they were both busy making armor, weapons, and other items. So, he just left a note and the materials behind the counter for them to see and get later.

The Elf and Drow still hadn't returned, but everyone knew they were affiliated with his mall, so they wouldn't bother them. This was one of the reasons Vitiate had shown some of his strength against that knight earlier, he wanted people to know that he wasn't a pushover, and not to mess with his people.

It is around 11 am now, so he quickly left the mall. Vitiate had heard from Levi that his sister was actually quite good at management. This made him really want her for his business.

While walking through the streets, he received many respectful gazes, while some looked like they were pitying him. But suddenly, he felt a hostile gaze land on him, he quickly looked towards the position he felt it from, but he didn't see anyone.

There was no killing intent from the gaze, but the coldness of it was enough to make him shiver.

Someone was out to get him!

However, they probably wouldn't dare to just outright attack him in the middle of the street, so all they could do is bide their time, watching and waiting. Once he arrived at the shop, he opened the door and saw the middle-aged man talking to a customer.

"Yes, the bid ends today, so I hope you'll come by again because that man will be back to bid aga.... Oh?" The middle-aged man who was talking to the customer saw Vitiate walk through the door and couldn't help but think 'speak of the devil'!

"Well, there is no need to wait, he is already here, and so early!" The middle-aged man smiled nonchalantly. Hearing those words, the customer turned around to see who entered the door.

His face was cold, while his eyes were sharp. His skin was slightly pale, he wore dark robes lined with red throughout them. The man sported a cape on his backside, white here wore black boots that were also lined with red.

He gazed coldly at Vitiate, there a hint of killing intent in them but he tried to hide it. Vitiate had grown accustomed to the feeling of Killing Intent. A normal human couldn't feel this type of killing spirit but people who practice martial arts and learned Ki were quite sensitive to this type of thing in this world.

The fat man trying to buy the elf was scared off by this man. Vitiate didn't know that this man was trying to buy the elf now, but seeing and feeling the hostility from him, he inspected him the mysterious man.

|Name: Mondo Kneelfar ⚫

|Title: Vampire Count, ???, Blood Inquisitor,

|Race: Vampire

Race Type: ???

|Age: ???

Vitiate's heart turned cold.