Initial TakeDown!

Vitiate didn't leave his office after going in, he stayed inside and went to bed after asking Lily a few questions. The Mall had its closing time, so the customers were sent on their way afterward. There was a separate room inside of his Office that had a bed in it, so he could sleep here; which he did.

The next day rolled around quickly and the Mall opened up as usual. It was time for Vitiate to head towards the Guild to have his match with his opponent for that promotion. In his typical get up, he left for the guild. Seraphina and Levi seemed to have everything under control, so he didn't have anything to worry about.

The dispute from yesterday had subsided but the Guild and Knights around town didn't recommend anyone to let their guard down. Of course, there were some people who didn't care and were roaming the streets regardless.

Vitiate quickly found a place to change his clothes back to his standard wear. Soon after, he started making his way towards the guild under the heavy rain. The rain was both convenient and annoying, it was annoying for obvious reasons, but the good thing about it was—he could travel places faster without the hindrance of many people.

Vitiate walked into the guild, but the situation was both gloomy and exciting for some. There were a few Adventures that died the other day at the hands of those sea creatures.

"Those fish monsters didn't stand a chance against my sword, I slaughtered them like the fish they are!" A red-nosed man wiped his sword and gloatingly said.

"Yeah, sure, I had to save your hide out there when you were sent flying by one of them." Another man gulped down his beer after saying.

Vitiate was already at the counter talking to Linda at this point.

"I knew you would come today, but I'm sorry to say that the battle had been called off because of the matter at the docking bay." Linda sighed.

"Called off? Did the person I was supposed to challenge participate in the battle near the bay or something?" Vitiate frowned, he needed that promotion to see and learned what he wanted.

"Yes, she was there and she called it off. Fraya said she would battle the challenger 2 days later if that's okay with you." Linda knew he was eager for this, so she explained slowly.

"Well, It looks like there won't be a fight; If you want, we could go crash that 'place' a day early." Before Vitiate could reply, he heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned to see Lucas, Zelman, and Rigor.

Moments later, the group was sitting at a table.

"This is the best time, the Adventurers aren't trying to go anywhere with this weather and the situation from yesterday." Lucas was in high spirits; this would prevent others from even knowing or suspecting the slightest thing about a Dungeon.

Everyone looked around at each other; giving their silent agreements. Vitiate had no problem with taking down a Dungeon now, he welcomed it very much. Of course, Vitiate asked them if they had everything ready to do such a job.

They had everything ready, they even managed to buy a few potions from the Guild. Lucas explained that the Dungeon was near the border of the Glacial Zone. The Dungeon was based on Ice Elemental Monsters, which Vitiate had been preparing for these days.

They knew the location, but Lucas knew the exact location. This guy surprisingly had the best memory here. Vitiate and the 3 left the Guild towards town to get food and a few more supplies before setting off.

Vitiate told them that he'd meet them by the Goa's Gate after he bought a few things. Once he did all of these things, he left towards the Goa Gate. He remembered those guards from before, but he doubted them causing trouble for him anymore after their last meeting.

Vitiate was staring off at the large lake with the huge waterfall crashing down into it. The water was far more chaotic than ever with the heavy winds and rain. He had to actually buy a coat due to how bad it was, he even bought an Umbrella. Of course, there wasn't a soul near the lake now, it was too dangerous for anyone at this time.

Walking on, he eventually reached the Goa Wall Outpost. There were many Knights passing him by, with the Captains being on horses. They said nothing to Vitiate, none of them even recognized or knew who he was; they had more pressing things to worry and watch out for.

Vitiate took a seat on a bench, as he started to recalled the things Lily had told him. He had questioned her about the color circles on other people's status sheets. They all represented different things, but after her explanation, he understood what most of them meant.

Green, Red, and Yellow were obvious to anyone; everyone who played an RPG game from his world knew this much. There were 8 different colors that could appear on someone's status sheet when analyzed, letting him know what they felt about him.

Other than Red, Yellow, and Green, he had seen Orange, Black, White, and just recently, Blue.

Lily explained that Black meant that the person was an enemy for life and that they would never change their outlook on you; it was an Absolute Enemy. Orange meant someone or something wouldn't attack you no matter what, they would run away as best they could to avoid the problem.

Then there was White, this meant an Absolute Ally; someone who was forever your friendly; this was the first thing Vitiate had seen over the course of time when dealing with his Dungeon Monsters. This was extremely rare when it came to making an appearance on anyone's status sheet, it was highly likely he'd only see this with his Dungeon Monsters.

And finally, the recent color he had seen, which was Blue—a color he saw on Louis's status. This color represented an Ally of Benefits—something Louis apparently saw Vitiate as. Someone he could gain from, while the other also receive great gains.

After waiting in the rain for 10 more minutes, he saw Lucas and company coming over. Vitiate had his Umbrella over his head as he sat down, preventing the rain from showering him.

"You didn't wait long, did you?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"I've been waiting forever," Vitiate replied bluntly.

"Okay, let's head towards the wall and leave this town, hehe, let's adventure into the beyond!" Lucas smiled and looked towards the huge Wall.

"....." Vitiate didn't say anything and stood up to join them.

"Don't worry about him, he can't decide what to get when he has to pick food, so it was hard for him decided what to get during our shopping." Zelman saw that Lucas was trying to avoid the subject by shamelessly changing it.

"Nothing to worry about, I was joking anyway." Vitiate was messing around anyway, he really didn't care about the wait.

"I can't wait to get that energy from the Core, it'll boost our strength after we take it." Rigor was already thinking that the Dungeon was doomed to fall.

"I'm interested to see how that works myself." Vitiate was very interested to see the fall of this Dungeon, he really wanted to core inside mainly.

"We can only wait; this rain is so annoying, though. It's a good thing this works to our advantage to evade possible suspicion." Lucas nodded and said.

The group went to the Wall and showed their ID's to a Knight. There were quite the amount of Knights who knew who they were at first glance. This was mainly because of Lucas's figure, who else had such a figure amongst the Guild and villagers here?

"Tsk! Damn walking blob, you better be careful not to get killed!" A knight suddenly spoke coldly seeing Lucas's smiley face.

"You wish you had muscles like me, keep talking rubbish all you want, hmph!" Lucas countered the guard's insult and held his head high before they were all let through the gate. Most of them just stared menacingly at them but they didn't say anything other than that particular guard.

Dread Forest was as beautiful as ever, but the place they had to go was a little too close to the Sharkmen's Territory. Vitiate couldn't help but think that he really had to hurry and take this group of monsters down.

The group circled around the lake and cut through the forest under Lucas's guide. After a while, they came across a hole in the mountain, this was apart of Terror Mountain. Lucas said that this led to the border of the Glacial Zone, which would bring them to the Frost Cavern Dungeon.

The crack was big enough to fit everyone through, they had to use light to see as they went on. After going through for a while, they were able to see a light at the end; leading outside.

"Wow, it's even raining in the Glacial Zone? What is going on with this Island these days?" Zelman was stunned, he was expecting it to be snowing as usual.

"Weird is an understatement." Rigor had some concerns about these matters as well.

"Well, it's no use in talking about something we don't have any clues of knowing about." Vitiate shrugged, there was no point in thinking about something they didn't know.

"That's true, we can only wait...and see." Rigor squinted and thought nothing more about it.

Lucas contiuned to guide them, they could see a river going through the island. This river traveled everywhere throughout the island, it was no telling what creatures were in it. However, whatever was in it, they would most likely be attacked by Sharkmen and eaten afterward.

"Damn, it's cold as hell now!" Zelman breathed outward and could actually see the mist of his hot breath.

"We're near the Glacial Zone, what do you expect—sunshine and tropical weather?" Lucas mocked.

"Oh, to hell with you!"

They cut through the forest when Lucas told everyone to halt. He pointed ahead from a bush, and they all saw it; it was the Frost Cavern!