Chapter 3

"Sister Ye Row, I didn't think you would come here either."

At that moment, when Ye Cheng and Ye Row were talking, one cultivator approached them, their peer.

Ye Kon Yang is also considered one of the outstanding talents of the younger generation. In total, in clan E there are only three young cultivators who have reached the 5th degree. This is the daughter of the third uncle, E Jean Seng - E Xuan, also E Row and E Kon Yang. E Kon Yan is naturally gifted, and maybe earlier he could not compare with E Chen, but now everything is different. Moreover, it has a very impressive origin. He is the son of an elder. This status is very high in the fortress of clan E.

"M." - Ye Rowe sighed coldly as he approached. She immediately became colder and indifferent.

The sight of Ye Row made Ye Kon Yang feel awkward. He looked out of the corner of his eye at Ye Cheng, contempt flashed in his eyes. He did not understand what was so good about Ye Cheng. Earlier, Ye Cheng was a good genius, but now he is only disabled. What did Ye Rowe find in him?

"Ye Cheng brother, how old, how many winters? How have you been lately, have you become any better? "- Ye Kon Yang though asked him, but by his expression one could see that he was dismissive of Ye Chen.

Earlier, before Ye Cheng was injured, before his channels were damaged, Ye Kon Yang called him brother Ye Cheng. E Cheng is 2-3 months older than E Kon Yang. They communicated well. Ye Kon Yang obeyed Ye Chen everywhere and in everything. Ye Cheng taught him not small things. However, after Ye Chen's channels were damaged, Ye Kon Yang stopped looking in his direction. Then Ye Cheng realized what kind of friend he was.

Ye Cheng was proud of nature. And he did not particularly pay attention to those who did not come to him, and who ridiculed him.

When you have difficulties in life, then at this time you can really understand who is a true friend.

"Good. I can eat, I can sleep "- Ye Cheng answered in a cold tone.

"It seems that things are not going as well as we wanted. However, the elders spend so much effort, effort, to collect the jugi pill. Their hair even turned gray. "- Ye Kon Yang said, squinting his eyes and looking at Ye Chen. "They say King Don Lina got the Duansu pill. As soon as the clan elder found out about this, he immediately went to the residence of Junwang Don Ling. As soon as he appeared before Jungwang, he immediately began to ask for that pill, he even knelt down. Unfortunately, jungwang threw him out. Can he give such a great jewel to the right and to the left? The elder is a hero of our time, knelt down and asked for pills. And now it has become a topic of jokes for the entire county of Don Lina. "

"What did you say?" - Ye Chen felt pain in his heart. He did not know about it. And the brothers did not tell him about it.

"Ye Kon Yang, no need to talk!" - Ye Row was very cold. She knew about this business. All the elders knew about this, and said that no one should talk about it to Ye Cheng. Only they did not think that Ye Kon Yang would agree in words, but in fact lay it out.

Ye Chen got heartache. He looked at Ye Row and in a hoarse voice asked her: "Ye Row, is this true?" Judging by Ye Row's reaction, that was true. Ye Cheng wanted to scream from this. His father knelt for him, asked for pills and was thrown out of the room. How disgraced was his father.

"Why not tell me? The elder secretly did so many things from him. For his sake, he spent so many juci pills. He spent the clan's reserves for several decades. And because of him, clan E has sunk to the current situation. If I were just like him, the same disabled person, I would have solved this matter long ago! "- Ye Kon Yang spoke in a cold tone. "And what good is it that you hide the truth from him?" I don't see anything good in it! "

Ye Cheng thought he was bad, but how bad his parents were. He felt very bad at heart. He could hardly restrain his tears. How many grievances he suffered, but what these grievances are compared to the shame that his father suffered. "Father, the child is not respectful, let you suffer because of yourself. The child swears that if he can restore Xuan Qi, he will raze the county of Dong Lin and return the face to his father! "

"Brother Ye Cheng, don't listen to his bullshit. You should not pay attention to this! "-E Roe hurriedly looked at Ye Chen and began to calm him. Most of all, she was worried that Ye Cheng would begin to regret this case.

"Calm down, I will not commit suicide. If I commit suicide, I will really show weakness! "- Ye Cheng said firmly. He clenched his fists as they began to crackle. After the canals have deteriorated, it is very difficult for the cultivator to stay alive.

Ye Row began to cry: "Brother Ye Cheng, I have been without parents since I was little. You are my dear person, nothing should happen to you! "

"Some people are so unscrupulous," Ye Kon Yang spoke with a cold smile.

Ye Cheng raised his head and looked intently at Ye Kon Yang.

"I know that you and Elder Mo have long wanted my death. But I'll tell you, it's not so easy to kill me. Even if I have damaged channels now, and so what. This does not mean that I will be disabled for life! "

"I do not believe your pipe dream. Or you will ask the elder again to go to Dong Lin and ask Junwan for the Dongxi pill. And will he give it to you then? Nonsense! "Ye Kon Yang sarcastically said. "You will always drag the clan down after you." Ye Kon Yang spoke in a cold tone, turned and left.

"Brother Ye Cheng, don't listen to his nonsense." Seeing Ye Kon Yan was gone, Ye Rowe immediately told Ye Cheng. Although he said that he would not end his life, she was still worried about him.

"I need to come back." Ye Cheng shook his head, and began to leave from here.

Looking at the departing Ye Cheng, Ye Row became heartache.

The fortress of clan E, outside the residence of the head of the clan.

Outside the residence was a carved, wide beam. Only in recent years, it was clear that it was not being repaired. From the walls, it was also possible to determine that they have not been reconstructed recently. Plants and trees were not cut, they grew on their own.

At its peak, the clan E fortress, among 18 fortresses, was in second place. Inside the fortress, there were 20-30 famous gardeners. However, after, they began to quit. Property and enterprises outside the fortress also began to decline. Now, probably, they have 5-6 enterprises left.

Ye Cheng walked up the stairs, climbing to the residence of Ye Jean Tian. The sounds of steps spread in space. Blood flowed through his forehead, but he did not pay attention to it.

"Father, son is disrespectful. Made you feel disgrace! "Ye Cheng walked and whispered sadly to himself and swore an oath.

Ye Cheng swore that if in the rest of his life he can recover, he will return the face to the clan. Restores the honor of father and uncle.

In the large hall of the head of the clan.

One middle-aged man in a gray chao pao sighed heavily. He was silent, but his appearance was as deep as an abyss, tall as a peak. (pp figuratively, about a man of high virtue). His face, already looking old, and on his head, there was already a lot of gray hair. This man was the head of the E clan, E Jean Tian.

"Brother, you won't go watch?" One man spoke next to him. He was not much younger than Ye Jean Tian. It was his brother Ye Jean Long.

Ye Jean Tian had three brothers and two siblings. As a result, there were 6 people. Ye Jean Tian was the most important. Ye Jean Long was second, Ren Zhi Fa Tan Zhu, Ye Jean Seng. Of these, three were responsible for external affairs. (p.p about the others are still silent)

Ye Cheng was just approaching the residence, it was felt by Ye Jean Tian and Ye Jean Long.

"How can I look at my son. Over the years, I brought him so much torment, made him suffer. Since childhood, he studied with me, treated well, but I could not fulfill my parental duty, could not save him. I know that I did not do enough for him. "Ye Jean Tian, ​​although he didn't go outside, however, he constantly watched Ye Chen.

"Brother, Chen ar understands everything. He is very strong. I do not believe that they will always make fun of him and us. We will do our best to get the Duanxiu pill! "Ye Jean Long spoke firmly and decisively. A cold gleam appeared in his eyes: "Junwang Don Lina will pay for the way he treated us. One day he will pay twice for everything! "

"Don County affair is over. Junwang Dong Lina was granted in Junwang. He has masters at the 9th degree and he has more than ten of them. Under his command, a hundred thousandth army. Our clan E is not opposed to it. We can only knock a tooth out and that's it. Now I only want to cure Ye Cheng. Even if you have to go through such a disgrace once again "- Ye Jean Tian said, shaking his head. Even if their father returns, they will not be able to compete with Ju Ling Don. "So many years have passed, and I already found out who harmed Chen aru. Now I will give all my strength to restore justice to E Cheng!! "- said E Jean Tian, ​​a sparkle flickered in his eyes.

Wind started to blow. Ye Cheng was on his knees. He does not want to be a burden for the fortress of clan E. If the opportunity presents itself to heal all his wounds, he will achieve this at all costs!

"Zing." In Ye Cheng's mind, that throwing knife suddenly trembled again. Ye Cheng was scared. Recently, he began to tremble frequently. However, this time he trembled more than last time.