Chapter 8

"Brother Ye Cheng, you need to try, you have to overtake Sister Xuan," Ye Rowe said, smiling. She believed that now that Ye Cheng had restored his channels, she could quickly restore her level.

"If you didn't give me your Xuan Qi every month, then you would have made your way to the 6th level long ago. And overtook Xuan ar "- Ye Cheng recalled that every month with the full moon he became very painful and hard. Therefore, Ye Row at that time passed him his Xuan Qi. If not for this, then she would have long made her way to the 6th step.

The crowd still could not calm down. This news hit them. If Xuan ar entered Chin Yong school, then in a few years a maiden warrior might appear in the clan. This is definitely good news for the clan people.

E Jean Tian also said some news about the E clan mine, and other economic affairs.

"In 7 days, there will be a sacrifice ceremony. Report to all people who are outside the fortress, let them return back within 7 days. And send people to notify the elder chapter so that he goes out of the mountain. With this, today's meeting ends, "said E Jean Tian.

"Wait." - E Jean Tian was about to leave, as the elder E Mo Ya, who was sitting nearby, suddenly asked to wait.

"Elder Elder, do you have something?" - Ye Jean Tian looked at Ye Mo Y.

"So many people have gathered today. I just wanted to say one thing! "

"I don't know what the elder wants to ask about?" Asked E Jean Tian.

At that moment, E Jean Long, E Jean Seng and the others looked at E Mo Y. They looked at him doubtfully.

"The elder elder consulted the rest of the elders a little. After 7 days there will be a ceremony of sacrifice and at this time it is necessary to determine the heir to the clan. I don't know what the head of the clan thinks about this? "- E Mo I looked at E Jean Tyan.

In clan E, in addition to the head of the clan, they also chose the heir to the clan from the younger generation. They had a large and small seal. If something wrong happens to the head of the clan, then the heir will replace the head of the clan.

The place of the clan's heir originally belonged to Ye Chen. However, after the accident, the seal of Ye Cheng was temporarily kept by Ye Jean Tian. And the place of the heir has been empty for three years. Therefore, E Mo I wanted to choose an heir again.

People of clan E began to whisper again.

"We must choose a new heir."

"For three years, the place has been empty - this does not comply with the rules."

The crowd began to talk. From this E Mo I became satisfied. This is exactly what E Mo Ya wanted. E Jean Tian will no longer be able to pull with this matter.

Among the younger generation, only clan people can fight for this place. And there will be 10 people. If we talk about power, then among the young generations in the first place will be E Xuan. However, she entered the Chin Yong school, so she will not be able to fight for this position.

Ye Row came from outside the clan and raised in the clan. Although her strength is not bad, she has no right to fight for this place. Then E Kon Yang, the son of E Mo Ya, becomes the more likely heir.

Hearing the words of E Mo Ya, Ye Kon Yan smiled pretty. To be a clan's heir is glory. After that, he will have the right to marry Ye Xuan in two years. And quite possibly, he will become the head of the clan. And will rule the whole clan!

Ye Jean Tian frowned. Although he knew that Ye Cheng had restored the canals, he was unlikely to succeed in recovering his strength so quickly in a few days and fighting for the place of the heir.

"The election of the clan's heir will be in three months" - Ye Jean Tian said after a short silence.

"Why in three months. This does not comply with the rules! "- answered E Mo Ya displeased.

"The older brother said three months later. Why is the elder elder so impatient that he cannot wait three months? "Said E Jean Long, who was displeased by his side.

"After 7 days there will be a sacrifice ceremony, why not hold the election of the heir at this time?" If the chapter says a reasoned argument, then of course we will accept it! "Answered Ye Mo Ya. He knew that Ye Jean Tian was trying to take time.

"There are no valid reasons. I'm the head of the clan, do I really need an argument? "- Ye Jean Tian asked in a cold voice and looked at the crowd. In the midst of the crowd, he glanced briefly at Ye Chen. We need to give Ye Chen time to recover, and then he will be able to regain this position. But if after 7 days there will be elections, then most likely the power will pass into the hands of E Kon Yang and E Mo Ya. From this, his heart became unwell.

"Does the head alone decide everything?" - Ye Mo I said, smiling. "Three years of the chapter's operation led to the current position of the clan. What are we now in the ranking of 18 fortresses? If the head of the clan does not adhere to the foundations of the ancestors, then we will be forced to put forward impeachment with the elders to the head! "

E Mo I pointed out that the head of the clan used clan funds to cure E Chen. He spent a lot on the purchase of medicinal herbs. Due to his expenses, they spent a 5-year supply of clan income.

Hearing the words of E Mo Ya, E Cheng's fists clenched.

Ye Jean Tian sighed coldly and looked at the nearby elders. The five elders were modest, they bowed their heads. Do not dare to look into the eyes of E Jean Tyan.

"I, E Jean Tian, ​​have been 17 years old as the head of clan E. Under my control, the clan survived in difficult times, when it was in danger - it survived. And even our clan caught up with the Yun clan at one time. I said three months later, then three months later. If you want to put forward impeachment, put forward "- Ye Jean Tian said emphatically, because of this, strength began to appear in his hand.

E Mo I turned blue from this. He understood that it would be impossible to remove E Jean Tian from this place. The authority of E Jean Tyang in the clan is incomparable. Even if all elders are impeached, they will still need to vote the people. And they will wholeheartedly be for Ye Jean Tyan. It's impossible!

"The head, using force, is atrocious. And the people will be difficult to convince. We will wait, when the senior chapter returns, then I will explain everything to him. I ask the head! "

E Mo I, it only remained through gritted teeth to snap.

"Father, still these are the foundations of our ancestors. Let the elections be in 7 days, at the sacrifice ceremony, "Ye Cheng suddenly shouted to his father from the crowd.

Ye Cheng's words went out among the crowd. From his words, all people were amazed. They did not think Ye Cheng would say that.

People began to sigh to themselves. The head of the clan wanted his son to become the heir to the clan, but now E Chen's channels are damaged. And his father is doing his best to delay this moment. Only, unfortunately, a disabled person cannot lead a clan and manage it.

Ye Kon Yang looked contemptuously at Ye Chen. What does he hope for? To become a clan's heir, one must have a good command of martial arts. These are the rules of the ancestors, and they are unchanged!

Ye Jean Tian looked sadly at Ye Chen, he was silent for a while and then said: "Then we will spend 7 days!" He also understood that if he insisted on holding the elections in three months, many would condemn him. However, he was ready to go through this as well. Only suddenly Ye Cheng insisted on holding after 7 days. He could not argue with that.

Ye Mo I looked at Ye Chen and a little did not understand why he said so. Then, after thinking a little, he decided that Ye Cheng was still disabled. And for him, that 7 days, that three months, the same thing.

People began to disperse. For many, the topic of conversation was about the upcoming ceremony of sacrifice.

They also sent people to the northern part to notify the senior chapter.

Clan Fortress E Room E Jean Tyan.

"Chen ar, are you sure you can take the place of the heir?"

"Son will do his best" - Ye Chen did not have a choice, he now definitely needs to defeat Ye Kon Yang.

"If you do not win, then this is not so important. What cultivation do you have now? "- Ye Jean Tian tried not to put too much pressure on Ye Chen. The main thing for him now is to recover. And on the account of E Mo I, he knew him. If E Kon Yang becomes the heir to the clan, then the next step of E Mo I will be an attempt on E Jean Tian. He will try to kill the chapter. Ye Jean Tian knew that Ye Mo I continues to secretly keep in touch with the Yun clan. However, he should not be afraid of the Yun clan!

"The son has already recovered to the 4th stage" - Ye Cheng said and Xuan Qi of the 4th stage appeared before him. In addition, his xuan qi was more powerful than usual, and much cleaner. He did not yet know how powerful she was. However, he knew that now, he was most likely at the same level in strength with Ye Kon Yan. In addition, he has another 7 days. During this time, he is likely to still be able to break through one step.

"4th step? Cheng ar is recovering very quickly. It is possible that after 7 days Chen ar will be able to defeat Ye Kon Yang "- Ye Jean Tian was pleasantly surprised. He was recently at the 2nd stage, and now at the 4th. Moreover, he already has a foundation.

"My father still had jugi pills. Take them "- Ye Jean Tian took 37 juci pills from a secret box.

"Father is not worth it. No need to spend more on me pills "- Ye Cheng told his father. Ye Cheng's eyes turned red. During these three years, he spent thousands of pills, and the clan went wrong with this business. Now he does not need it. He can take xuan qi from his knife. And the clan just needs to restore financial health.

"Father gives you the chuchi to take the place of the clan's heir. And then E Mo I, father and son will fall. These pills are worth nothing at all! "

"Father, son recently began to learn the thunder skill of the emperor and understood something. Actually, I don't need jugi pills now, "Ye Cheng said decisively.