Chapter 11

The heir to the clan is an important post. And determining the heir is a very serious matter. The heir can participate in the affairs of the clan, even occasionally replace the head of the clan. Still, the head of the clan can resign and provide a place for the heir. And the head himself will go to a quieter place for cultivation. How did the senior head Ye Tsang Xuan.

The heir will be the most powerful cultivator of the young generation. If he is weaker, then he must retreat.

The clan's people have already built a competition arena and have been discussing with interest who will become the heir.

"Besides Ye Xuan, which of the young generation will be the strongest?"

Ye Tsang Xuan asked everyone.

"After Ye Xuan is likely Ye Row."

"Ye Rowe, I'm afraid I can't become the heiress."

"Then the son of E Mo I, E Kon Yan!" A lot of people started talking.

"Then let him try," Ye Tsang Xuan said in a cold tone.

E Mo I looked enthusiastically at E Kon Yan and said: "Rise, but remember - do not wound your fellow tribesmen!"

"I obey my father!" - Ye Kon Yang, full of fighting spirit, answered and went up to the arena.

Looking at E Kon Yan, an eyebrow rose from E Jean Tyan. He noticed that the qi emanating from Ye Kon Yang became different. Really E Mo I used some method, so that it breaks in the steps. He began to worry, it is not known how much E Cheng managed to recover.

Ye Jean Tian turned and looked at the calm Ye Chen. From this he himself calmed down.

"Brother, take this pill and give it to Cheng aru" - Ye Jean Long secretly held out the pill of Ninci Ye Jean Tyan.

"This is a gift from the elder chapter to you, give them to your children."

"Now it is more necessary for Ye Chen!"

"He no longer needs" - Ye Jean Tian answered, smiling. Ye Cheng's channels recovered. This is good news. As for the place of the heir, it is not so important as the restored channels, so he smiled pretty.

Seeing a calm smile, Ye Jean Long froze. He had not seen such a smile on Ye Jean Tyan's face for a long time.

"Don't you need a Ninzi pill? Are the channels of Ye Cheng ... "

"You look, you will see" - Ye Jean Tian answered with a mysterious smile. From this, Ye Jean Long had a doubt. He got excited.

While they were talking, Ye Kon Yang looked at the crowd of people and climbed into the arena.

"Ye Kon Yang, come on!"

"Ye Xuan is strong, but she will not participate in the competition, Ye Row also can not. "Ye Kon Yan remains and it looks like this place will be his!"

The younger generation spoke below.

"Brothers are fellow tribesmen, who is ready to rise and challenge?" - Ye Kon Yang spoke looking down. He had a haughty expression on his face. As if this place had already become his.

Everyone looked at E Kon Yang in detail, like an heir to a clan.

"Yet the son E Mo I am a born hero. Really young genius, "said one elder.

"You exaggerate, you exaggerate!" - Ye Mo I, smiling, answered.

"It is not known how grandfather will appreciate his grandson?" Said another elder, glancing at the senior chapter.

"5 years ago I watched the young generation and also remember this young cultivator. He is gifted, but mentally mediocre. If you become an heir, there's nothing to be done "- Ye Tsang Xuan, sighed, said. If there is a short-sighted heir, then the future of the clan is not so bright.

Ye Mo I shook my head at the words of Ye Tsang Xuan. * This old grunt clearly shows his displeasure with Ye Kon Yan. Well, nothing, nothing. Among the younger generation, no one can compare with his son. *

One silhouette headed for the arena.

"Brother Ye Meng is not good at martial arts and asks Brother E Kon Yang to give instructions!" - Ye Meng hated Ye Kon Yan the most, especially since he always lifted his nose, so the first one came out.

"Brother Ye Meng, please" - Ye Kon Yang answered and stood in a combat pose.

Ye Meng began to rotate xuan qi in his body and whispered softly: "The deadly fist of thunder!" After what was said, the fist flew in space like a hurricane.

Ye Man was 16 years old, he was in the middle of the 5th stage. He was well-gifted and slightly inferior in strength to E Kon Yan.

Seeing the attack by E Maine, E Kon Yang did not underestimate the enemy. Also turned xuan qi in the body. He was going to use the usual technique based on the internal strength of thunder.

"Ye Meng is very good. If he took the Ninzi pill, he would most likely be able to break through to the 6th step, "whispered E Mo Ya softly. He squinted at E Jean Long. Why Ye Jean Long appreciates Ye Chen so much that he wanted to give him the Ninzi pill, despite his own son.

Hearing the words of E Mo I, E Jean Long clenched his fists. Ye Cheng, like his son. He himself saw what torment Ye Cheng had to go through every month with the full moon. And for him, the Chuchi or Ninzi were not important, most importantly, to help get rid of Ye Cheng from these torments. E Mo I did not understand the words of the senior chapter.

Ye Cheng again remembered the words of the senior chapter. He made a promise to himself that he would no longer allow the clan to spend money on it.

At that moment, he looked at the arena, and it was clear that Ye Meng was at a disadvantage.

"Brother Ye Cheng, Ye Kon Yang, seems to have become much stronger than before. You will need to be careful "- he himself did not understand how E Row managed to be next to him.

"Yeah," Ye Cheng nodded his head.

"These jade pendants increase the strength of xuan qi. Let brother Ye Cheng take them. They will be useful to him during the battle. "- E Rowe removed her jade pendant from her fragile white neck and laid it in the hands of E Chen.

When they touched their hands, both had a warm sensation in their bodies. Ye Cheng opened his palms and looked at the pendants. On them, he saw that a phoenix bird was carved. She was as if alive. He considered the high craftsmanship of this pendant. And he knew that she had a difficult past.

"These pendants are left to you from your mother. Taking them, I will do an evil deed. You better take them back "- Ye Cheng answered. As soon as he touched the pendants, he immediately felt that the knife inside him began to tremble. Yet these pendants are very powerful. This is an expensive treasure.

"Only ..." Ye Rowe said doubtfully.

"Do you really doubt Brother Ye Chen? I can't lose! "- self-confidence came from Ye Chen.

Ye Rowe looked at Ye Chen's confident expression and took the pendants back.

Still, she calmed down a bit, looking at Ye Cheng's confident expression. Also, the girls around looked at them askance. They noticed changes in Ye Cheng.

And the battle continued in the arena. People watched him closely.

There were sounds of blows. Ye Kon Yang and Ye Man exchanged blows. Their fists collided and Ye Meng stepped back more than ten steps. He turned completely pale. And Ye Kon Yang stood still with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Brother admits defeat"

Ye Kon Yan folded his hands respectfully and did not answer.

"Kon Yang really excels Ye Man in skill," Ye Man said and then jumped off the arena.

People immediately began to enthusiastically discuss everything.

"Ye Kon Yang is really strong. He made his way to the 6th step! "

"It seems so!"

Ye Kon Yang himself was pleased with his strength. After he defeated Ye Man, he did not have a feeling of fatigue at all. Three days after he took the Ninzi pill, he broke through to the 6th step. We can say that he joined the ranks of the masters. The 6th stage and the 5th are completely different levels, and the difference in strength between them is large.

E Min and the others one by one climbed into the arena and fought. And everyone was losing Ye Kon Yan. And Ye Kon Yang stood serene, as if he did not feel tired.

"There are no more people who would like to challenge me?" - Ye Kon Yan looking at the crowd asked.

Everyone began to exchange confused glances, but no one rose. Seeing this pleased Ye Mo, I was looking at Ye Tsang Xuan, said:

"Senior chapter. Victory, defeat, you yourself saw everything. Do you think Ye Kon Yang is able to become the clan's heir? "

Ye Tsang Xuan just wanted to say something, when suddenly a voice came from behind him:

"Gentlemen, please wait a bit. I also want to test Brother Ye Kon Yang. "

Everyone looked at the speaker. And the speaker was Ye Cheng. Everyone was shocked. Didn't they think?