Chapter 13

Ye Cheng continued to resist this powerful frantic Xuan Qi. He plunged into his mind.

Now, you can only rely on the power of the knife!

The knife trembled and powerful Xuan Qi surged out of the knife. Reading Xuan Qi, in an instant filled Ye Cheng's body. There is no trace of the pressure of E Kon Yang.

Ye Cheng had a sparkle in his eyes.

Thunder Strike!

Ye Cheng directed a blow at Kon Yang and there was a sound like thunder. You could see how one silhouette flew back more than ten steps.

How is this possible? Clan people were amazed. They looked at Ye Chen.

Kon Yang flew off from Ye Cheng's blow. And Ye Cheng stood motionless, like a mountain.

Ye Cheng at the peak of the 5th step, how could he push Kon Yan to the 6th step !?

No one understood.

Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Tian and others looked at all this in surprise and doubt. Being experienced, they themselves understood that this was unlikely.

* I did not think that the xuan qi inside the knife is so powerful! * - Ye Cheng himself did not expect this. It turns out that one movement of the knife can increase its strength by several times. Ye Cheng was impressed.

Kon Yang, by contrast, turned completely pale. He did not think that after the 6th step he would still be an opponent of Ye Chen. Previously, the place of the clan's heir seemed so close, you just have to lend a hand, but now it turned out so far.

* Really lost! No I do not believe! Why on earth! The place of the clan's heir is mine! *

He immediately hated Ye Chen. His eyes lit up. He set in motion xuan qi. His right hand darkened, and he rushed to attack Ye Chen.

E Mo I saw the action of E Kon Yan paled. However, he could no longer stop him.

"Boy, how dare!" - Ye Jean Tian shouted in fright and anger. He stood up, but still he did not have time to do anything. He looked at the next sitting E Mo I and angrily said: "E Mo I, how you raised your son! If something happens to my son, then I will bury you with my son! "- Ye Jean Tian released the force.

9th step. It turns out the 9th step! Heart E Mo I, fell into the heels.

Ye Jean Long and others were also amazed.

The technique that Kon Yang used was the clan's most dangerous and evil technique. Claw technique of yin. Her one hundred years ago, created one cultivator. Xuan qi in this technique contained dark energy and poison that corroded man. If such an attack reaches a person, then it will seriously damage the channels and with a strong blow can immediately kill a person! The cultivator perishes at the same stage. And even more so, if you attack the cultivator with a weaker level!

This technique leads to bloodthirstiness. The cultivator who created this skill, he became interested in it and killed three tribesmen. As a result, he was expelled, the clan wanted to execute him. He then fled to the depths of the mountains and died there. And the ancestors punished people to use this technique, only in extreme cases. And so this technique has ceased to be common. She was not taught. However, it was now used by Kon Yang and would be well used against the enemy. And he uses against his fellow tribesman! It was a taboo!

Therefore, E Jean Tian and the rest immediately changed face.

Seeing this technique, Ye Cheng immediately became serious.

What is this technique?

Ye Cheng understood that this technique is very dangerous!

* Life shell of thunder! *

All xuan qi instantly spun inside the body.

"Zzzzz" There was a sound. Ye Cheng's skin was all gold, as if he were wearing armor.

Thunder Strike!

Thanks to the vital shell of thunder, the force of impact of the thunder rumble increased several times.

Ye Cheng blocked Kon Yang's strike with one hand and hit him in the chest with the other. Why did he fly off and loudly fell to the edge of the arena. He began to spit out blood.

Kon Yang raised his head heavily and looked at Ye Chen. There was a lot of hatred in his eyes. Then he collapsed back.

Ye Cheng began to feel that the poison in his body began to penetrate everywhere. He immediately hastily began to use the knife, and a moment later, Xuan Qi began to flow out from the knife. She immediately began to eliminate this poison, that there was nothing left of it.

* It's good that I was not injured. It is not known what technique Kon Yan began to use, but judging by the appearance of his father and others, this is not an easy technique. *

Ye Jean Tian immediately jumped off the altar and grabbed Ye Cheng by the hand. He checked his condition.

"Cheng ar, how is your wound?" - Ye Jean Tian asked, caring.

"Thank you father. The older one is looking, the younger one is fine. "- Ye Cheng answered, smiling.

Hearing the words of his son, the heart of Ye Jean Tyan calmed down.

He looked at the lying Kon Yang and said in a cold tone: "Take him out for treatment!" Then he turned to everyone and said: "Ye Kon Yang secretly cultivated the forbidden technique of claw yin and used it against a fellow tribesman. For this he will be punished for 10 years. (it's not yet clear whether it will be sent to prison, or anything else.). His father, E Mo I, for raising his son incorrectly, will be deprived of the title of elder, and 100 punches of sticks will also be punished. Does anyone have any objections? "At this moment, you need to deal with E Mo I, otherwise he will still come up with something.

"No objections!"

Ye Mo I immediately looked at the elders standing nearby, he sought their support. Only they did not look at him. Just Ye Jean Tian has shown the power of the 9th level, he is now, as the senior head of the clan.

Ye Mo I looked at Ye Tsang Xuan: "6th uncle, I have committed an offense. Junior is not on purpose, please come down! "

Ye Tsang Xiong answered with a cold grin: "Be already grateful. I do not believe that it was not you who taught your son this technique that you forgot a hundred years ago. A punishment of 10 years is already leniency. "

E Mo I had nothing to say. He only clenched his teeth, was full of hatred.

Son and father began to be taken away. E Jean Tian had long wanted to expel E Mo I from the clan, but it was difficult. In addition, he is the chief elder. And he had no evidence that E Mo I had conspired with the Yun clan. He had to endure it. And then there was such a chance.

"The case at the ceremony of sacrifice leads to sadness. Does anyone mind if Ye Cheng becomes the clan's heir? "- Ye Jean Tian asked everyone.

"No objection!" Everyone started shouting. Ye Cheng defeated the cultivator of the 6th stage, he proved that he deserves to be the heir to the clan.

E Meng, E Ming, E Peng and others were pleased.

"Brother Ye Cheng, congratulations!" - Ye Rowe, whispering at E Cheng standing in the arena, whispered softly.

At that moment, a loud, voiced voice came.

"Congratulations to my brother on the 9th step!" Said E Jean Long.

Hearing him, all the clan people were excited.

"Has the head risen in a step?" Seriously?"

"Jean Long will not lie."

"In addition to the senior chapter, and now we have two cultivators of the 9th stage. Now you can not be afraid of the Yun clan! "

"Congratulations to the chapter!"

"Congratulations to the chapter!"

The clan people looked at the head of the clan one by one and bowed to him. The old people began to cry. They knew what two cultivators of the 9th stage meant.

Ye Tsang Xuan is already aged. It is not known how long he will live. It is good that Ye Jean Tian has risen in cultivation.

Because of E Mo I and E Kon Yang, people were a little upset, and then the news about E Jean Tian, ​​everyone was immediately happy. They have another defender of the 9th stage!

Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Long and the others, one by one, entered the arena.

"Uncle" - Ye Jean Tian turned to Ye Tsang Xuan.

Ye Tsang Xuan, smiling, replied: "This is a joyful event. You made it to the 9th step. Now, it's halfway easier for me! "Then, his gaze shifted to Ye Chen:" Chen ar, when you attacked Kon Yang, did you use the thunder shell technique? "

Just Ye Jean Tian, ​​when worried, did not pay attention to it. And when he heard the words of Ye Tsang Xuan, he immediately remembered that yellow light emanated from Ye Chen. Was it the life shell technique of thunder? How is this possible? How did E Cheng master this technique? Only a few days have passed. And he already mastered. When Ye Jean Tian took three years to master this skill!

The people watched Ye Cheng carefully. Ye Cheng understood that he could not deceive them and nodded to them: "Just now, Chen ar has used the technique of a life shell of thunder!"

Hearing the words of Ye Cheng, people seemed to be shocked. Cultivators, only after reaching the 7th stage, they begin to learn this technique and then with difficulty. As a result, only three people in the clan can cultivate this technique. Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Tian and Ye Jean Long. And here, at the peak of the 5th stage, Ye Cheng was able to use this technique.

"Brother, you are unfair. When did you teach him this technique? "Came E Jean Long, he patted E Jean Tian on the shoulder and asked joyfully.

Ye Jean Tian said with a bitter smile: "In fact, I didn't teach. I just gave Chen aru a rare book of this technique a few days ago and that's it. And then, hoping that she would just help him cultivate. I did not hope that he could learn this technique. To know this technique in a few days is unreal! "

"A few days ago just gave the book to Cheng aru?" - Ye Jean Long and the others again looked intently at Ye Cheng. They did not believe their ears.