Chapter 15

Xuan qi began to spin again in Ye Cheng's body. She filled Dan Tien, and the number of Xuan Qi in Dan Tiang began to increase. Very quickly Ye Cheng, sensed that soon Xuan Qi would break the barrier.

Usually, in order to break through to the 6th step from the peak of the 5th stage, it will take two months.

As soon as he made his way to the 5th step, a lot of time did not pass, so he was not in such a hurry to break through to the 6th step. Ye Cheng continued to concentrate xuan qi to immediately break through the step.

When he concentrated xuan qi, he felt that his barrier was cracking.

Ye Cheng began to doubt how this is possible?

Its barrier was like a dam, and xuan qi was like water held back by a dam. And as soon as there was more water, the pressure on platinum increased, which at any moment was ready to break through the dam.!

Ye Cheng sensed that his xuan qi, like a raging river, had broken through the barrier.

6th step! Broke through the barrier!

Ye Cheng whispered softly. His Xuan Qi reached the 6th step. She has become much stronger than before!

He did not think that the body itself could break through to the 6th step. Ye Cheng was lost in thought. His body is now at the level of pure yang, and his cultivation is much faster than that of others. He seemed to have been baptized.

In any case, he did not find flaws in the breakthrough.

Looking at the 9 stellar secret methods, the first level of emperor thunder skill has already been studied. Ye Chan now had two choices. The first is to continue to study the second level of emperor thunder. Then its cultivation will quickly rise. The second is to start learning the skills of other methods. However, then the cultivation speed will be slower!

After weighing everything, Ye Cheng decided to learn a different method. A method called spiritual wind.

Only he did not know how long it would take to learn the first level of this method. Indeed, due to the fact that he knew the inner power of thunder, he so quickly learned the first level of thunder of the emperor. Only the method of spiritual wind is a completely unfamiliar method to him. And he will have to cultivate it well and carefully to avoid mistakes.

At this time, several silhouettes rushed to him.

It was a father and uncles. Ye Cheng quickly stood up.

Ye Jean Tian and others looked at Ye Chen strangely. Why Ye Chen was a little uneasy.

"Father, uncles, what happened?" - Ye Cheng asked doubtfully.

"Cheng ar, just had a breakthrough?" - Ye Jean Tian asked uncertainly. He believed that Ye Cheng would break through no earlier than two months.

They all cultivated the emperor's thunder skill and suddenly felt a wave of Xuan Qi. According to Xuan Qi, they felt that someone had broken through to the 6th step. When among them, the lowest step was the 7th. Who besides Ye Chen could break through.

Ye Cheng now understood why they came.

"The child really broke through to the 6th step" - Ye Cheng nodded his head.

Ye Jean Tian, ​​Ye Tsang Xuan and others were dumbfounded.

They were even ashamed to compare their speed with the speed of E Cheng. They swept from this.

"This is a child blessed by heaven! The whole prosperity of the clan depends on it! "- Ye Tsang Xuan looked with a look full of hope and love for Ye Chen.

The others nodded their head and also looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Tsang Xuan sighed to himself. * Ye Cheng is very young and gifted, his future will be like the flight of a Peng bird. (Pp flight of the Peng bird - 10 thousand li (arr. in value: a great future, brilliant prospects, success in the future))

Chen ar finally got to the 6th stage, if cultivated at such a speed, he can reach the 9th stage too! "-E Jean Tian spoke smilingly.

"Our experience, it seems to Ye Chen, is useless" - Ye Tsang Xuan sighed. He felt that Xuan qi Ye Cheng was much cleaner than his Xuan qi. Although, according to common sense, the higher your cultivation, the purer your Xuan Qi, but E Cheng breaks all the laws. Is it true that the ancestor in the body of Ye Cheng abandoned his intention. But this is only speculation.

"Chen ar reached the 6th stage, how did it happen so quickly?"

"The son doesn't know either," Ye Cheng shook his head. He himself did not know.

"Maybe we should look at Ye Chen?"

"Enough. Now you need to understand the emperor's method of thunder well. Then we can talk about Ye Cheng! "

All people are filled with hope. And all this thanks to Ye Chen!

Ye Tsang Xuan and others began to leave. Only Ye Jean Tian stayed. He looked at his son and said: "Cheng ar, come with me!"

"Yeah!" - Ye Cheng nodded his head. And followed him to his residence.

Ye Jean Tian took one old seal from the secret shelf. She was completely green shiny like pearls.

As soon as this seal appeared in the hand of E Jean Tian, ​​the knife in E Chen's mind was humming. It seems like a jewel.

"This clan seal. There are big and small. And according to the ancestors, they are worn by the head of the clan and the heir to the clan. Maybe they are of no use, but anyway, you, as the clan's heir, take it for preservation, "said E Jean Tian, ​​handing it over to E Chen.

"I obey. The son will save her! "- Ye Cheng took the seal. It is not known what stone this seal was from. However, it was clean, without impurities. Ye Cheng began to carefully examine her and found a sign below, which was very difficult to engrave. One character meant * E *, and there were also three more characters. They were very small with a grain size of rice, and these characters meant * star print *.

"You used to be small, and your father kept it in your place. And now, you again became the heir to the clan, and I pass it on to you. When I am gone, having this seal, you can lead the clan. "

Ye Cheng attached the seal to himself.

"Father, when I fought for this place, when I used the life shell of thunder, I could not control it and inflicted a severe wound on Kon Yan," Ye Cheng said with doubt.

"Ye Kon Yang used forbidden techniques. And it is only natural that he received such a wound. Even if you killed him, that would be normal! "- Ye Jean Tian got a little colder. If Ye Cheng was injured, he would not see that he was the head of the clan, he would immediately kill Kon Yang!

"I'm not worried about Kon Yan. It's just that when I attacked him, it seems that I damaged his channels. And now, he cannot cultivate. E Mo I am such a person who does not leave it just like that. Perhaps he will take revenge! "-E Cheng spoke in a low voice.

"Your words are not meaningless. E Mo I, he is still a former chief elder. And since he taught his son so, one can still expect meanness from him. I already sent people to follow him. And let him just try to do something. "-E Jean Tian stroked Ye Cheng's head and said rather:" Chen ar has grown and matured like this already. He became the heir to the clan. From tomorrow you will need to start regulating some of the clan's affairs! "

Although his father sent people to watch E Mo Ya and E Cheng calmed down a little, but to himself E Cheng thought that he should still be afraid of E Mo Ya. He was still at the peak of the 7th stage.

Ye Cheng returned to his estate and continued cultivating. As soon as he reached the 6th stage, his duration of use of the thunder shell increased to 20 seconds. During the battle, this technique will give the cultivator tremendous strength.

Next, over the next few days, E Jean Tian explained to E Cheng the affairs of the clan.

Now clan E, the main income brought two enterprises. The first of these is a mountain mine, located two li from the fortress. More than a hundred workers worked there. They mined xuan iron. And in a year the income from this enterprise brought property equal to more than two hundred jutsi pills. Also, clan E in Don Ling has one shop, each year which brings more than a hundred juci pills. In addition, clan E provides its own clothing.

As a result, clan E receives about 300 juci pills a year. However, over the past three years, Ye Cheng has left thousands of pills. One can imagine what losses the clan has suffered over the past three years. During its heyday, clan E owned 10 enterprises. The people of the clan were wealthy and lived in abundance. The clan itself was revitalized. But now the situation is not the best. And the remaining enterprises are having a hard time.

A heavy load fell on Ye Chen. Clan people are now looking at him. And he will need to bring the clan to its peak!