James is the dumbest man alive in this world

I can't believe James came to my college for studying science. this is the most unscientific thing I have ever seen [by unscientific I mean how could some silly brainless prince study here. Brain connects to Biology of course (; ]. I was sitting on the corner of one row and the bench on my left hand side was free because that silly Lily wanted to sit behind and I was a first bencher. James silently came and took the seat beside me. I was always uncomfortable of boys sitting next to me. I was cursing Lily inside my brain. I was thinking "that dumb....😡😡😡 What would it take to sit beside me." This was the first lecture where I could not concentrate at all. I was looking at James and wondering why would this brainless creature come to my class. Suddenly James asked "Are you done staring?" I was like wtf what does he think about himself? I said "I was staring you, so what?" James was kinda shocked that I answered in such a sassy way. James said "excuse me? 🙄" I turned my head.

In the break I ran downstairs alone. Lily was about to chase me but James stopped her and asked "how to impress her." Lily was dumbfounded and asked "why the heck do you want to impress her? you are already her boyfriend." to which James silently said "so called boyfriend." Lily could hear something so asked him "what? I didn't hear you."

"Nothing. actually we had a fight and she is quite angry so that is why." Lily told him "that is Tara we are talking about she is the most childish girl she still believes in fairytales and romance. so you must give her a present something very SWEET." to which Jamrs nodded. Nothing happened that day.

Next day as usual I went with James and I was about to open the door of the car when suddenly James rushed and opened the door for me not to mention that was really cute and sweet. As I entered my class I saw a lots of students standing near my bench I neared and said "guys excuse me please." and as they moved I saw a tons of sweets and chocolates wrapped in a wrapper with barbie and cartoons picture. James entered and told "these are gifts from me." I turned back and asked him "whi told you I like these." he said "Lily." then lily entered the class and I pulled her out and asked her "do I like Sweets?" Lily answered "on contrary you hate sweets."

"I like cartoons?"

"Why would you like cartoons?"

"do I like barbie?"

"except the the song I'm a barbie girl, no."

"who told James I liked those?"


Lily was shocked "what do you mean?" I answered her "he damn it brought me chocolate and sweets as a gift with barbie and cartoon wrappers." Lily said "wtf is he out of his senses?" James came out and said "aren't you guys coming in?" Lily asked him angrily "is your brain okay or are you mentally I'll?" James said "I am okay thanks for asking." Lily said "why did you give her all those."

"You said she liked sweet things."

I was so angry I started bumping my in the wall Lily said "sorry Tara I didn't know he was so dumb or else I would never tell him. and you James I told you to do sweet things not give her sweets." I went in and asked the driver to take all those to my home.

it was break and I went to the washroom and heard some girls talking

"omg I never knew Tara will be one of those girls who will tie themselves with rich boys. I heard James is from a really rich family."

"after all she is a girl only what can she do?"

that is what I hated the most 'unwanted attention' but what James did was the reason I was getting unwanted attention. I was walking down but did not pay attention and slipped through the stairs James saw me from downstairs and caught me tight by my hips and we clashed on the wall behind. (This is what you think 🤦‍♀️ then so sorry to disappoint you). this happens in normal love stories but this was the weirdest love story ever so extending the same fact that we did clash the wall but beside it was the boys washroom and by chance while catching James pushed me inside.

I was never so embarrassed and shouted at the top of my voice. hearing me Lily hurried and saw me inside the boys washroom. I ran away from there James tried to chase me but could not. I left my college premises. Lily came with my bag and gave it to James.

I was wandering about in the roads and then when it was almost 10PM but I did not return. My mom called me and asked me to come back so I went back. I came back and my mom asked me "what happened darling are you okay?" I answered her in a tired tone "I am going to sleep don't disturb." I heard my mom was shouting or telling me something but I was least interested so I closed the door and changed and slept.

My mom asked my dad "what do you think?she heard what I said?"

I was sleeping very deeply when suddenly I heard a voice coming from out side I was scared. I had a bat near me I picked that up and started opening my room door and I hit a man on his head. he had a plastic in his hand. I was quite sure it was a thief.