First Day At Palace

I could see Gabe shocked about me being silent but I can't blame him normally if someone would talk to me like the queen I would have taken that person's tongue out but here the case was different because I could not risk my identity Busted but I was still happy because Gabe stood up for me "with full respect queen you can't talk to my secretary like that." Queen was taken aback and she was about to say something but James came in the middle and said "I am really sorry for the behaviour and now allow my sister Kiara to escort you all to your rooms."

Kiara came in and she was not happy but not sad as well. I really guessed she could not move on after what happened at the ball night around 10 years ago."please follow me." she said in a really calm voice but I could sense the sadness in her voice. I had no option but to be professional so I asked James "sir when are we having the meeting?" James looked at me and started frowning "do I know you?" I said very calmly "no, I don't think so." He continued "so, you guys can have rest then we will have our meeting in an hours time." then we followed Kiara.

My room was farthest so after dropping by everyone I and kiara were left so I asked her "I see you are very sad, may I know why?" she was still looking down. deep inside I wanted her to know who I was but I can't. she answered "nothing just love issues." so I guessed correct it was because of Prince of Ligo. I reached my room.

So they have selected this room for me? haaaaaa this is nice but believe me the queen's room was the best. I can't believe once I was a queen and now here I was staying in a guest room, nice change, right? 🤦‍♀️ I guess I don't have to explain about the guest room in palace it was huuugggggeeeeee and the view was of the beautiful mountains and greenery. Every guest room had the same features by same features I mean the exact same features and views. The royal family had the view of the village of River Valley but it was also beautiful. I knew every place here, you all know why.


I got ready and moved out, though I knew where we had to meet it was legit to get lost or else I might end up busting my identity so, I got lost and to make it real I entered James room because it has the biggest door but to my surprise I had a really bad timing. when I entered he just came out from shower and was wearing a towel I turned back and said "I am sorry." and he said "it is fine you are new you can definitely get lost."

Do you think this happened, you really overestimated me with such elegance. I started shouting and to stop me shouting James came near me and I pushed him but my bracelet got stuck with the towel and pulled it. There he was on the ground complete naked and now I couldn't help but shouted at the top of my voice and turned back to run. this time I couldn't help to actually find my way to the Garden and was calming myself down. But now if I think it was not bad to see such a handsome guy completely naked ☺️☺️ I mean his abs....oh my god!!!!! I will burn but now it was time to be professional so I went to the conference hall and saw everyone waiting for me and my eyes found James but this time fully dressed though it was awkward between us then still "Sorry everyone for being late, Hello king I am Ta.....Aria Sharma." Omg this guy there (I mean James).


"our company is glad to collaborate with you." James appreciated and said "this project will have its opening ceremony in 2 weeks so I wish you can stay here until then." Gabe said "sure why not." and we left as Kiara entered and I heard them arguing about Ligo. she wanted to visit but James totally disagreed. I felt bad for her as all of this was because of me. how? James used to be a warm brother if kiara said anything to him like how she is telling now James would have never said no but now because of me he was so cold and wanting to protect his family and loved ones. And I almost had no place to say in this and can't help. But suddenly I remember a name who can help me and everyone.

Who do you think Tara wants to call for help? What about Gabe and Tara? which relationship will win, Tara and James or Tara and Gabe? comment down 😉.