The Queen's Necklace

Back At the palace James thought it was Gabe's mistake, believe me I have no Idea why he doubted him. you know love makes people mad. So Jame caught collar and pushed him towards the wall and said "tell me where is Tara."

"and prince why do you think I will know that?"

"because without your permission she can do nothing after all she is your secretary." now Gabe pushed him back and held his collar and asked "she was not with me instead she was with your own brother the last time."

"you dare not say my brother is responsible for her getting disappeared😡😡." Lily interrupts and says "guys stop fighting we have to find her first."

James was angry not to mention my handsome boss was angry too they both shouted together "and where do you think she will be." Lily was shocked and said "wowowo what a coordination we will definitely find her if you keep this coordination between you two. okay?"

Back at the cave I woke up and saw a man. That guy was the same man who saved me earlier from the waters. He came towards me and asked "hey gurl are you okay? I can't believe I am saving the same girl twice."

"what do you mean? why the heck do you always come to save me?"

" it must be fate and ya why did you last time ran away faster than a thunderstorm?"

"first answer me?"

"okay, so let me tell you I just know that you are in danger because somehow I am in the team of the people who always tries to harm u."

"ahhhh now I know. that is why the kidnapping technique is as usual old and lame."

"let me tell you a story."

"yehahahaha mommy bedtime stories 😒😒."

"so now listen I am a magician's son so I kind off know everything about the necklace you are wearing for which you are in danger."

"a necklace can also put me into danger? wow powerful it must be."

"what happened was a long long ago River valley was a nice kind and a very beautiful place but it also contained magic which was tiny but still magic like magicians. so,the king made a necklace for his beloved queen and gave it to her."

"ahhh so the necklace was given by the king to queen?"

"yes...Then after some years the River valley was attacked due to its beauty and magic though it was attacked almost every year but this time the King died in the war and the leader of the other kingdom took over the palace and River valley. The queen said that it was her place and will be taken back but the other king threw her out of the kingdom."

"woahhhhh really?"

"yes...but the queen was brave enough to come back but with different identity and marry that King and poison him after his death she declared that the kingdom was hers and will be hers. The queen was soft sweet and very caring but also very hard, brave and dangerous for the enemies.

Then a wicked magician found out about that necklace. it always used to shine whenever the queen showed bravery. He developed a spell that can be used to make the necklace do whatever he wants to."

"wait wait so when it shone on me what kind of bravery did I show?"

"listen first....the necklace was designed in a way that it can only be opened when you loose bravery and intelligence and that can only be possible when you are dead or you forgot everything."

"so that is why I seem like a snack. wait!!!!so did the magician killed the queen?"

"yes he did with a huge team and that huge team with the magician are known as Ligo."

" ohhh."

"and guess what who was the queen?"

"your ancestors"

"my what!!!!!"

"because the queen had no heir so the queen selected James's family to be the ruler and also that she didn't wanted her blood line to extinguish in the royal line so, that contract of marriage was made."

"this is madness."

"no this is not."

"so, what about the prophecy?"

"ohhh that is not prophecy but an assumption that the queen's bloodline will return and she will rebuilt River valley. but it was not expected that it WILL shine on you that is why the prophecy didn't exactly mention you but the girl with the necklace shining which means that you are brave, intelligent and dangerous but also sweet and kind." "so what am I supposed to do?"

"right now you are in a grave danger because of the necklace. A magician of Ligo Samuel is behind that necklace so, right now just protect yourself and the necklace."

" what do you think about rebuilding River valley?"

"it is not exactly rebuilding it but instead it is that you will protect the River valley from magician Samuel and also bring back peace between Ligo and River valley making it one whole."

"that is quite a task."

"yes, so now bye bye. Leave."

"wait we are in the middle of no where. how do you expect me to go back?" He said nothing and pushed me out of the cave and said "show your intelligence and bravery to the necklace. bye" and magically the cave disappeared.

Now I was in a middle of nowhere in an unknown place which is known as forest and now at any time sun will go down.

wow now how about travelling back that also walking let's see how Tara makes out of the forest and who was Samuel because everytime he knew where I was. does he knows that I am alone in a forest? what if he attacks? guess we have to wait until tomorrow. how dis you like it? comment below 😉