So Sorry!!!!!

I was really scared that he will try and kill Gabe. I tried to do everything possible to save him but he said nothing and started surfing internet. I didn't know why but I guess it was to kill Gabe. It was afternoon and he was supposed to kill Gabe at night which means I had ample amount of time to get out of here so I started planning and using my brain. I was thinking when he just went out to pee and I was thought this is the best time to go out of the room.

I always had a nice observation so I saw a really sharp portion on the wooden chair I was sitting so I tried to cut the rope with it and surprisingly I was able to make myself free. I thought of running away and analyzing the room to find an exit. It was a close dark room with almost no exits but I had to find and then I thought of trying to open the steel gate. But then I thought "opening a steel gate won't be easy I have to use brain and find out another idea. As I was thinking I felt a sharp pain on my head backside and I could hear a sharp and painful noise in my ear and fell down but saw that face of Sam. There was nothing else but a pitch dark blackout. He tied me back to the chair and said "You are quite difficult to handle lady. Now you will have a marriage ceremony with Gabe in heaven because after I kill your lover I will kill you." He left me there unconscious and went back to the palace.

At palace everyone was still really stressed and trying every possible method to find me out but still success didn't knock there doors and the only reason for this unsuccess was Sam who manipulated James and the whole palace except Gabe. When he returned Gabe asked "where did you go?" He answered "just to meet a friend." Sam opened his shoes and left to meet James.

James was sitting alone in his room when Sam entered and said "my friend why are you sitting here alone?" James said "I....I could not save the love of my life, what do you think I am? A coward?"

"no my friend it is just that the opponent is too much intelligent and powerful."

"I couldn't find her yet and god knows what they must be trying to do with her."

"I just hope no one killed her."

After hearing this James got scared and said "what are you telling?why would they try to kill her?"

"See according to me the main reason for the kidnapping was the necklace and to get the necklace out of her neck the best solution is to kill her."

James realised then that Sam is right, and my life could be in a real danger and to save me the best solution is to find out what happened. He asked Sam "what should I do Sam?"

"you can do nothing. This guy who kidnapped her is quite intelligent."

James was now more tensed and stressed than he was earlier.

He came out and started planning exactly what will happen at 1:00Am when Gabe is in deep sleep. Sam called his bouncer, The one who was earlier with me and ordered him "I don't know any methods to make her forget things so it is better to kill her. Go and kill her at 1 understood?" He said yes.

It was dinner time and Sam had dinner with the royal famil. Back at that old factory the bouncer came in and sat down. He was in a deep thinking actually after the last time he felt guilty of killing me. He actually now developed a sisterly love for me because I was really a jolly kind of a person who can make friends in few seconds. I always had a huge friend circle because of my nature. After that night I came to know that not everyone is bad but huger is something which makes people do dirty work but not compulsorily they are all bad people. I also came to know that he had a really soft heart and that is why never talked to the kidnapped person but last time he did not know that I was the most talkative person and an expert in making others happy and talkative😎😎.

Back at Palace Sam cut a piece of really thin ice when Gabe saw him and asked "Sam what are you doing?" He was scared and said "ummmm n...nothing I was just feeling to drink cold water

so was taking ice." Gabe now asked "but the ice cubes will be more effective than sheet." He said "I know but I like it this way." and went back. Gabe didn't think much nd went to his room to sleep.

Now it was 1Am the time when I and Gabe are supposed to be killed. The bouncer came towards me closed his eyes and put a knife on my neck. Back at Palace Sam went to Gabe's room and saw a guy sleeping, He proceeded towards the bed and took out that thin ice piece. He placed it on his neck and gave a really sharp cut.

Gabe is dead!!!!!!!omgggg this can't happen how come will he save himself because we all know that Gabe can't die and what about Tara how can she die? What do you think will happen comment below 😉.