I've Got An Idea.

Grace sat behind the counter of the mini restaurant as instructed by Mrs. Shu. She wondered why anyone would want to eat in a place as small as this as she observed the activities. She would never have thought places like this existed.

A couple stepped inside the restaurant, making Grace catch her breath in surprise. She couldn't believe she was looking at herself and her fiance.

Tae-Joon led Ann inside the mini restaurant. He had thought she'd have wanted somewhere more classy like the other five-star restaurants he had always bumped into her. But seeing this part of her was something nice. She really seemed humane after the accident.

When Tae-Joon had asked her where she wanted them to go to, the only place she was familiar with was this mini restaurant. The food wasn't just very nice, but the atmosphere suited her at the moment. She had also wanted to be sure her body was still alive because somewhere in her mind, she thought she had probably died, and her soul had found its way into another body.

Seeing herself behind the counter, she suddenly felt very nervous. She knew she needed to talk to whoever was possessing her body. If it was Grace, she had to know what happened, and maybe they could figure it out together. She didn't need anyone calling her an impostor in the future.

"Please excuse me for a second. I need to talk to the lady behind the counter," She said politely as Tae-Joon drew out a chair for her. He glanced at the lady behind the counter, she looked quite familiar, but he couldn't place her face.

"Please don't cause any trouble," He admonished her. He had seen her being rude to people in times past, and he didn't need any sort of unhealthy attention at the moment.

Grace measured her up. 'How could she have left the house without proper makeup and wearing my hair in a ponytail? And why in heaven's name was she dressed so casually? And what's with her holding hands with Tae-Joon? The girl is unbelievable. She wants to ruin my image,' Grace said herself.

Ann wasn't pleased when she noticed Grace was wearing her only expensive gown. One she had bought with all her savings hoping to wear it for her first date with Tae-Joon. Her face was made up too. 'Who wears such a gown with makeup to a restaurant like this just to sell?' Ann asked herself.

They both just stood there, eyeing each other. Each wondered what to say to the other.

"You're Ann, right?" Grace asked in a superior tone breaking the silence.

"Yes, I'm Ann. And you're Grace, I suppose?" Ann asked in return.

"Do you have any idea what happened to us? What happened to you? How did you get involved in an accident? Did you by any means do something?" Grace asked, flooding Ann with questions.

"We can't talk about it here, I'm on a date, and I can't keep him waiting," Ann said, sparing a glance at Tae-Joon.

"Why not? You're in my body, and as such, you should act like me. He knows Grace would keep him waiting, so you not doing so will be out of character," Grace said, quirking her eyebrows.

"I may be in your body, but I'm not you. I'll contact you, or you can contact me. I'm using your phone, as I'm sure you're using mine. Let's meet and discuss how this will work. I really have to join him."

"As long as you're in my body and living my life, you're me, and you will do as I please, Miss goody-two-shoes!" Grace called out before Ann could leave.

"Then I'll expect you to do as I please, too, as long as you're in my body and living my life!" Ann retorted, a bit offended at Grace's words.

"You call this a life? I think I need to allow you to live my life for a while for you to understand you've not been living," Grace said with an ugly smirk.

Ann walked away without another word. What had she expected? That Grace would be nice or treat her with respect simply because they swapped bodies? This was Grace's true nature.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I just had to talk to her."

"Hope there's no problem," Tae-Joon said, looking from Grace to Ann; he had seen how her body had stiffened during her conversation with the counter girl. It had looked more like she was being attacked instead of the other way around, and that had amused and surprised him. Making him wonder who the other lady was.

"None at all. I just had to settle some things with her."

Sara saw the way Ann stared at Tae-Joon and Grace with a look of annoyance; she couldn't help but wonder if Ann had regained her memory because of the look of recognition on her face.

She walked over to Ann, "Do you know them?" She asked, wanting to see if Ann had regained her memory.

Grace looked at Sara. She didn't know what to make of the question. "No, I'm not sure I do," She said with a casual shrug.

"Then what were you both seriously talking about a while ago?" Sara asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Nothing that should concern you," Grace said with a tone of finality.

Sara could tell something was wrong. But she couldn't pinpoint what it was, so she shrugged it off and returned to the guests.

Immediately Ann saw Sara approaching their table. She momentarily forgot herself and smiled at her in a very friendly way.

"How're you, Sara? How's Jiny..." She stopped herself as soon as she came to her senses.

"You know me?" Sara asked, pleasantly surprised that someone like Jiang Grace knew her name.

"I heard your mother mention your name when I just stepped in," Ann lied. She really missed Sara and Mrs. Shu and hoped Grace wasn't being rude to them.

Tae-Joon watched in amazement as Grace conversed with the chubby waitress. He hadn't expected her to be so easygoing. 'Maybe he had misjudged her. Maybe he needed to really get to know her afresh, and maybe he might just end up really liking her,' He said to himself.

Ann ordered for two bowls of scallop skirt glass noodles. Nobody prepared it better than Mrs. Shu as far as Ann was concerned.

The atmosphere, the food, and the man, all made Ann loosen up. She talked and laughed freely, telling Tae-Joon about her likes and dislikes, including how much she admired him.

Tae-Joon could sense something was very different about her, but he loved this version of her better and enjoyed her company. He laughed at all her jokes and told some of his too. This date was the complete opposite of the first. He was having the best time of his life with the lady he once despised.

The more Grace watched them, the more she realized she needed to do something to save the situation. She didn't intend for Ann to change her life and make it unbearable for her when she returned to her body. She needed to come up with a plan urgently.

She brought out her phone and sent a text to Ann. "I've got an idea."