"...She Is A Lesbian."

By the time Chairman Jiang and his wife got to the house, Zoe was already in her room, completely transformed into the young lady she was.

She was lying on her bed with her laptop. She needed to know who that young man was and his position in the company.

She checked the company profile but didn't find his picture; she only saw the names of people occupying various positions in the company.

She paused when she saw Zhang Wei. The chairman had a son? She wondered. She couldn't remember ever hearing about Chairman Zhang having a son.

For this person to be the president of the company, he definitely had to be the son of Chairman Zhang... or was he just a family relation? She wondered, completely distracted from the original reason she had visited the company's page.

Maybe if he was young and handsome, she could consider bumping into him and flirting with him. That wouldn't be her worst idea, She told herself with an amused smile.

She checked Chairman Zhang's profile and felt herself freeze. 'Is that guy the Chairman's son? Is he the president of the company?' She asked herself in alarm when she saw him standing between Chairman Zhang and his wife.

Zhang Wei, the only son of Chairman Zhang, recently returned to the country after years of studying abroad. That explained why she didn't know him. She thought.

"Your mother says I should remind you it is time for dinner," A maid said from the doorway after knocking gently.

"Tell her I'll be down in a second," Zoe said, rising from the bed and shutting her laptop. Now that she knew who he was, she would try to be more polite; she told herself as she hurried down the stairs.

"How was your day at work?" Mrs. Jiang asked her curiously.

"It wasn't as bad as I expected, but I'm exhausted," Zoe said as she sat down in her seat.

"Honey, you won't believe who I ran into at the shopping mall today!" Mrs. Jiang told her husband.

"Who did you run into?" Chairman Jiang asked, knowing she wanted him to show interest in the conversation, at least before she went ahead.

"Madam Zhang," She said with a wide smile and turned when Zoe started choking on her food.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned frown.

"Yes, I'm fine," She quickly said and drank water from her glass to calm herself.

"As I was saying, I ran into Madam Zhang, and we talked. So apparently, their only son is back in the country. You remember him, right? Zhang Wei," Mrs. Jiang said, looking at both her husband and Zoe.

"The boy with that OCD?" Chairman Jiang asked. He could only vaguely remember him because of the one time they had been at a party years ago, and the young man had gone from table to table rearranging the cutleries that the staff had placed wrongly.

"What is OCD?" Zoe asked curiously.

"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder," Her father told her.

"Yes, that one. So he is now the president of Zhang Corporation, and they're trying to arrange a wife for him," Mrs. Jiang said with a brilliant smile.

Zoe knew she wasn't going to like her mother's next statement, and she didn't need anyone to tell her why her mother was talking about this.

"Oh, that's nice. But which lady would be able to cope with such a disorder?" Chairman Jiang asked.

"So I reminded her I have two daughters. One who is engaged and the younger one who happens to be very intelligent and beautiful," Mrs. Jiang said, flashing Zoe a beautiful smile.

"I'm not interested," Zoe said in a flat voice.

"But you did talk about a rich, handsome heir sweeping you off your feet. He is rich and handsome," Mrs. Jiang said, making Zoe scoff. Handsome? Says who? Zoe thought.

"Still not interested," Zoe said, looking at her father, who had remained silent throughout the exchange.

"Well, I already told them to consider you. It's your turn to make your family proud," Mrs. Jiang said with a smile.

"Why are sis and Ann not back yet?" Zoe asked curiously, trying to change the subject.

"They're having a welcome party for Ann, so your sister is with them," Madam Jiang said, still thinking it was ridiculous of Grace to go to her assistant's welcome party.

The sound of the door opening caught their attention. "They're back," Zoe announced as she hurriedly left the dining to see them.

"Sis? Is she drunk?" Zoe asked in surprise as she looked at them.

"She had a little too much to drink," Grace said in embarrassment.

Chairman Jiang almost grinned at the sight. He was enjoying whatever it was that was happening between both girls.

"Take her to her room," Chairman Jiang said with a straight face.

Just as Grace led Ann upstairs, the doorbell rang, making them look at the door again. When they saw it was Tae-Joon on the monitor, Zoe quickly opened the door.

"Grace is a bit indisposed at the moment. She won't be able to see you," Chairman Jiang said apologetically, not wanting to tell him she was drunk.

"I was with them at the welcome party a while ago. I'm here to see you, not Grace," He explained.

"Oh! Okay. Is everything okay?" Chairman Jiang asked as he led Tae-Joon to the living room.

"I wanted to talk to you before I say anything to my grandfather. I don't think this marriage will work," Tae-Joon said bluntly, making Chairman Jiang raise his head to look at him.

"And why have you come to that conclusion? Did you notice anything untoward? Or did Grace do or say something?" Chairman Jiang asked with a frown.

He hadn't canceled the marriage when Grace was being rude and mannerless, so why was he doing so now that she was being so agreeable? Chairman Jiang wondered.

"No offense, but I think she is a lesbian," Tae-Joon said.

"Lesbian?" Chairman Jiang asked before bursting into laughter.

"I'm sorry I'm laughing when you're being so serious, but that was hilarious. How did you jump to such a ridiculous conclusion?" Chairman Jiang asked as he struggled to stop laughing. What was wrong with his wife and Tae-Joon all of a sudden?

"I've been speaking with her, and she speaks so highly of her personal assistant. I think something is going on between them. Tonight at the party, I noticed her personal assistant was being hostile towards me. I don't like to waste my time on things, so I'm here to talk to you before I cancel things," Tae-Joon concluded.

"I'm glad you talked to me first. But I can assure you whatever is going on between them has nothing to do with lesbianism. So please do not act rashly," Chairman Jiang advised.

"Or did you ask her about it, and she told you she is a lesbian?" He asked.

"No, I didn't. I just assumed so," Tae-Joon admitted.

"You shouldn't jump to such hasty conclusions. Nothing of such is going on between them, and I can assure you," Chairman Jiang said.

"Okay then. If you're sure about this, I will have to take your word for it. I'm glad I talked to you first," Tae-Joon said, shaking Chairman Jiang's hand before leaving.

Maybe it would be best he spoke to Ann about her closeness to Grace... 'they should be able to work something out,' Chairman Jiang said to himself.