"I Want Her Out Of Grace's Life"

"Lesbian buddy? Really?" Ann asked Grace angrily after Mrs. Jiang left the room.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it," Grace told Ann offhandedly.

"She just said she doesn't want you here anymore! Can't you see it's a big deal? The only reason you don't feel offended about this is because you are the one who was caught saying that, not me. You're ruining my own reputation!" Ann said, glaring angrily at Grace.

"Reputation? It takes money to have a reputation. You don't have it," Grace said, and when she saw the hurt look on Ann's face, she quickly felt sorry.

"I'm sorry. I'll fix this, but we have to leave for work now," Grace said before they heard a slight knock on the door.

"Who is it this time? Is today a family meeting day?" Grace asked under her breath when Zoe pushed the door open.

"Hey, Zee!" Ann called out with a smile.

"I wanted to know how you were doing before you left for work. Are you fine?" Zoe asked with a concerned smile.

"Yes, why?" Ann asked, tapping the bed for Zoe to sit beside her.

"We are running late," Grace reminded Ann politely.

"Then let's run late. I'm talking to my sister," Ann said before returning her attention to Zoe.

"You never got drunk," Zoe said.

"Well, maybe that's why I needed that last night. It's been a mentally stressful period for me," Ann explained softly.

"So, how was your training yesterday? You never got to tell me about it," Ann said, patting her hair softly.

"It was awesome... Thanks so much for letting me do this," Zoe said without giving her details and then went on to tell her about her conversation with their mother over dinner.

"Oh! And you don't like him?" Ann asked with a smile.

"Well, I can't say yet since I don't exactly know him," Zoe said, not wanting to tell her the real reason she was being reluctant about it.

"It won't hurt you to get to know him, and then you can decide whether or not you can be in a relationship with him. I need to leave for work now, be good, Zee," Ann said before standing up.

"Thanks, sis. Have a lovely day," Zoe said before leaving the room.

"Don't you think you're settling into my place too deeply?" Grace asked Ann, who walked past her without saying a word.

Chairman Jiang had asked her to stop depending too much on Grace, and she intended to do just that. Grace could tell everyone the truth for all she cared.


"I told you, didn't I?" Mrs. Jiang asked her husband hotly.

"What did you tell me?" He asked her with a frown as he prepared to leave for the office.

"Grace is having an affair with that terrible girl, Ann. I heard Ann call her, 'My dearest Lesbian buddy,'" Mrs. Jiang said, mimicking Grace's tone.

"You did? When?" Chairman Jiang asked with a frown.

"Just a few minutes ago. I went to Grace's room to see how she was feeling, considering how she had gotten drunk last night. And just as I pushed open the door, I saw Ann trying to kiss Grace as she called her 'My dearest Lesbian buddy,'" Mrs. Jiang said again, acting it out.

"I want that girl out of this house before the end of today," Mrs. Jiang said.

"You can't just throw her out. I told you I was going to work it out," Chairman Jiang reminded her.

"How long do we have to let this go on before it blows up in our faces? Do you know the kind of scandal this would generate if anyone else finds out? What if it was one of the maids who had heard that?" Mrs. Jiang asked hotly.

"Fine. I'll work something out," Chairman Jiang promised her.

"Today. It has to be today. If you don't do anything, then I will. I want her out of Grace's life, too," Mrs. Jiang said.

"That won't be possible," Chairman Jiang said before he could stop himself.

"What? What do you mean by that? Don't tell me you knew about this before now," She asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Nothing is going on between them to the best of my knowledge. Ann was probably fooling around because I just spoke to them about it," Chairman Jiang said, trying to make her see reason.

"I don't care. I want her out of here. Give her money if you have to but send her away," She told him before leaving the room.

Chairman Jiang sighed wearily as he watched her leave. He knew he could easily try to tell his wife the truth about the body switch, but he knew that was going to make her even more worried than thinking she was having a personality disorder. He still intended for Grace to learn and experience life from another angle.

He was just going to visit Ann's guardian and find out all he could about her. Then he would help them in his own little way, and if possible, he would adopt Ann when all this was over. She was a really nice girl, and he would love to have her as a member of his family.


"Hello?" Tae-Joon asked reluctantly after taking his call. He wondered why she was calling him. Had her father told her all he had said by chance?

"Uhm, Sorry about last night," Ann said, closing her eyes nervously as her heartbeat increased.

"Why are you apologizing? It was nice seeing you loosen up in front of your staff," Tae-Joon said on a lighter note.

"I guess I made you uncomfortable... Chair... My father told me what you said," Ann said, not knowing how to broach the subject.

"I was wondering if we could meet briefly?" She decided to ask.

"Without your assistant?" Tae-Joon asked.

"Sure," Ann said quickly.

"Should I pick you up for lunch?" Tae-Joon offered.

"I'll really appreciate that," Ann said with a sigh before dropping the call.

She was going to sort everything out no matter what. She was going to make things work with Tae-Joon... if you loved someone, you had to give the best to them. If what he wanted was to get married to Grace, then she was going to make it work, and when everything was over, she would leave and live with the memories.