"Every Girl Wants A Bad Boy."

Ann, who was soaking in a warm bath, smiled to herself when she remembered her dinner date with Wang Tae-Joon earlier.

She had been on her way home and had been surprised to see Tae-Joon strolling towards her from the car park. "I almost forgot you promised to take me out for dinner," Ann said the moment Tae-Joon walked up to her. 

"I'm glad you remembered at the last minute. I sent your driver home already. I hope you don't mind?" Tae-Joon asked as he led her to his car and held out the door for her. 

"As long as you're taking me home after dinner, then I don't mind," Ann responded with a smile as she gracefully got into the car. 

Ann replayed her last statement in her head and smiled to herself. Who would have ever thought Ann Peters was capable of such a statement? Wealth and affluence were indeed something capable of changing anyone. She briefly wondered how she would ever cope with poverty when she returned to her own body and life.