Zoe Versus Zane.

Zhang Wei spat out the wine he had been about to swallow when male barbie flicked his tongue over his lips in a sexy way.

Zhang Wei's facial features screwed up in disgust. "Thanks, but I think I will pass," Zhang Wei said, recoiling from him. 

"Suit yourself then," Male Barbie said with a shrug and settled down to look around the club and enjoy the show around him. 

Zhang Wei watched with interest as two very attractive ladies kissed and smooched each other as they danced together on the dance floor. 

He turned his eyes away from them slightly and almost spat out his drink in disgust when his gaze settled on two huge guys who were kissing at one end of the hall. He noticed one of the guys was the same one who had winked at him when he had just walked into the club.