No Option.

Despite the fact that the phone conversation with Zoe hadn't been exactly as she had wanted it to be, Grace felt a bit relieved that Zoe wasn't as devastated as she had expected she would be. It was a kind of sign to her that their condition was probably not as bad as she had thought, so that she could relax a bit. 

"I understand if you want to leave," Grandma Rosie said with a soft smile, breaking into Grace's thoughts. 

Her kindness broke Grace's heart. She had come to really become fond of the pleasant old lady. 

"I just need to see how they are doing and maybe take care of a few things while I'm there. I promise to come back when I'm sure everything is okay," Grace said, even though she wasn't so sure she would be allowed to see them. She could only hope that things would be fine really soon.